The Faces of Stories: Maria Julia Guimaraes

Stories For Humanity
1 min readOct 24, 2016


Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, I landed in Montreal, Quebec in Summer 2009 with my husband, 2 twin daughters, 14 pieces of luggage, a couple of dollars in bank, and full of energy and hopes to re-start our living in Canada. Amidst joy and difficulties, we made our way!

Graphic artist and architect as profession, I currently work at Cimpl, where I’m User Experience Designer, learning and looking forward to leveraging an optimal experience to our clients.

Likely to my professional life, my personal goal is to continuously observe, learn and share experiences, working to be a bit better than the day before, and hoping to spread this well-being to whom I interact with.

I shared my story because I believe our understanding and our impressions of the world we live is the result of the stories we’ve been told. It’s how humanity has evolved. By sharing our own stories, we can can also understand our own behaviours and emotions, and learn how to improve our lives by experiencing what others have lived and learn also to help others in need.



Stories For Humanity

We believe that there is nothing more powerful than communication.