If you can see it you can be it

200 words on finding your way

Lindsay McComb
The stories that we know
2 min readFeb 3, 2016


by Josh Galvez

“If you can see it you can be it”
At first I thought that meant you had to find
Your role model
Someone who would show you how
Someone who would be the person you always wanted to see
So I looked everywhere
To find the woman I could be

I looked for the woman who wasn’t afraid to show off her brain
I looked for the woman who was creative and styled with great poise
I looked for the woman who pursued her goals and forged ahead with her own path
I looked for the woman who wanted to be independent, who would keep her own name when she married, and for the woman who would wait to have children until she was ready
I looked for the woman who always wanted to be better — who wanted to keep learning, always pushing herself to be more than she was before

All these years,
Looking for the women who would show me how to be the best me
Who’d show me how I could be
I found many who were some
But never quite the whole
Until I finally realized that all this time
That the pieces were in me



Lindsay McComb
The stories that we know

Design researcher and content strategist who enjoys damn fine cups of coffee.