Bitcoin Is Not Dead: First Signs of The Recovery

Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2018

It looks like that even in such dark times of Bitcoin around $4000, there are some signs that cryptocurrencies will be booming again. And the source of such positive signs is again the adoption that always serves as a long-term measure of any technology or solution.

Today we have prepared a review of the latest events in cryptocurrency adoption that will prove you that crypto market has a second chance and that there is a big possibility that better times are coming.

First U.S. state to accept Bitcoin

According to Wall Street Journal, Ohio has become the very first state to accept Bitcoin (BTC) as a payment method for taxes. From now, anyone in Ohio can go to the website and pay any taxes with BTC. The idea itself came from state Treasurer Josh Mandel, who’s considered to be one of Bitcoin supporters.

This event is very important because it serves as a precedent and shows that bitcoin can be much more than just an internet currency. At the same time, it positively influences the reputation of Bitcoin and motivates its wider adoption. If there will be If there are more use cases for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, the overall usability of cryptocurrencies will grow which will have a great impact on cryptocurrency prices.

French Tobacconists to Sell Bitcoin Vouchers

French-based fintech company and cryptocurrency startup Keplerk that specializes in financial mobile applications and services is said to have signed a deal with a cash register software provider to deliver Bitcoin vouchers that will be sold by street retailers, according to the announcement by local radio station Europe 1.

Thus, French tobacconists will be offering Bitcoin vouchers in denominations of 50, 100 or 250 euros (around $57, $114 or $285) from Jan. 1, 2019. Keplerk, in its turn, will allow customers to convert their vouchers into Bitcoin and store it in wallets on its platform. It is expected that about 3,000–4,000 tobacco shops will be selling the vouchers, with others likely to be added later on.

Nasdaq to offer Bitcoin futures

One of the largest stock exchanges in the world, Nasdaq is going to launch Bitcoin futures in the first quarter of 2019, according to the announcement made by the head of the exchange.

By that way, the head of Nasdaq initially announced these plans back in January and now claimed that the exchange does not intend to abandon them, even despite the market decline. After the launch of Bitcoin futures at CME and CBOE sites, the regulator tightened the application procedures for adding the appropriate tools.

There is no doubt that such an important event will bring millions of dollars to the cryptocurrency market and the prices of top tokens and coins will update their maximums.

To sum up

We would like to recommend you to not to panic and not to rush to sell all yours crypto assets. The market is still there and it looks like that there is enough good news that can make it grow again!

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