eShop Usability. Design Trends to Follow and to Avoid. Part 2

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4 min readNov 28, 2018

We continue to consider design trends for eShops and look for the best strategy to get more sales moving. Here we are going to tell you about custom service and communication and will consider product pages from the usability point. About making accents on your website and goods navigation you can read in the previous article.

eShop Usability. Design Trends to Follow and Avoid. Part 1

Well, let’s continue!

To Follow: high-quality pictures

Items and services photo- and video-demonstrations are a global eCommerce trend now. You have probably already experienced that — even if you are not going to purchase some goods, its high-quality photos attract you. The same thing can be shooted in completely different ways: incorrect lights set, wrong decorations, no images with item details — all this will spoil an impression while correct camera settings and shooting from an appropriate angle will make a customer really wishing to buy your good.

Here’s a good example: same child’s slippers shooted by a professional photographer (left photo) and an amateur (right one). Which one do you like?

Besides, make sure all photos are displayed on your website properly: there must be same pictures size, also it shouldn’t look like cropped. Check how exactly an item looks on the preview: many people are just taking a slight look on a catalog, they do not focus often on some particular goods, so items preview photos should look as clear and attractive as possible. The most trend tools now are screen magnifying glass to zoom in an image (on the item page) and the function of quick view (make search results page to show full images on pointing on the item preview with the cursor).

To Avoid: denying descriptions

Many marketologists recommend to describe your item just in couple of lines — for the comfort of your future buyers, who supposedly are not ready to read long descriptions. Experience has shown, however, that everything is quite opposite: if a person is learning your goods for the first time, they feel important to know as much as possible about it. Make your goods more “humane”, create breathtaking descriptions! And just highlight the most important points of it (as size, material, volume and so forth) for those who are not ready to read a lot.

To Follow: be transparent

In ordering

Nobody likes to play riddles especially when you try to understand what hides behind “Next” and “Previous” buttons. All buttons should clearly explain the action following after clicking on them (“move to payment” or “back to delivery options”). By the way, before moving to the payment, it’s absolutely vital to show your client the final order cost — including all extra expenses and/or promo codes.

In communication

An attractive store or item name and your store slogan will definitely attract a buyer, but later they would like to know you better — so make a separate page or tab showing your store official address and its name, contact information and working hours. We recommend you to use a widget with online assistant — by analysing your customers questions, you will be able to know what they are interested in the most or what mostly make them upset — thus, you could improve your service.

Bonus advises


Make different icons (mean both sizes and colors) for the buttons like “continue payment” and “back to…”. The first one should be brighter and more visible for a buyer not to mistake and lose attention.

Promo codes

One of the trends of discount system nowadays is giving promo codes providing a discount for your users depending on their activity in your shop or within one or another promo action. People do like promo codes! Figure out some extraordinary ways to share these codes (including entering into a new partnership) and embed it into your store functionality. We recommend you to place a field for entering a promo code on an item or cart web-page — thereby, the clients could amply see all changes of their orders costs before and after entering the promo code.

Well-defined strategies, proper accents and user-friendly interface will be crucial points which will have a huge impact on the clients visiting your store, and this is an absolute win-win situation: you will get more sales, and the client will be fully satisfied with an awesome customers’ service. Wish you a good luck with your store optimization!

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