“STQ product”: Big Platform Updates

Published in
4 min readFeb 20, 2019

Dear supporters!

We are sure you will be excited after reading this news to the end. We develop our marketplace continuously adding more new functions and improving those which are already implemented; here we go — meet big platform updates! You are able to check most of them right now if you explore storiqa.com, but still we decided to prepare this post to let you know about all existing updates immediately!

Payment System

Crypto and fiat payments

We have finished implementing our own payment system: for now, you can sell and buy different unique goods with both crypto and fiat currency. Sellers select STQ, ETH, BTC or EUR as a payment currency for their goods. This became possible due to API for processing crypto payments to the sellers (in case of having the orders paid with cryptocurrencies) and integration with Stripe payment system.

Filtering System and Pricing

Buyers can filter goods by payment currency at the searching page. All goods’ prices are shown in the selected currency, if it’s a cryptocurrency — you will see an equivalent cost in fiat as well.

Crypto payment page

In case of crypto payments, on the payment page there is now “amountCaptured” field added which allows the users to see what exact amount of currency is received by Storiqa and make a payment with several transactions.

Instant conversion

In case of crypto goods, you choose the currency which is more convenient for you, no matter what cryptocurrency the seller sells in. In order to gain complete work automation, we have further developed the billing for crypto payments testing. The platform will automatically convert the currency to the one chosen by you, it will be done at the current exchange rate.

Same is for fiat payments: if you buy goods with fiat, you can pay with any currency (using the bank card), and the system will convert this amount to EUR automatically.

Make note, that conversions crypto-fiat and fiat-crypto are not supported at the current stage, and you can’t buy goods with fiat if the seller sells in crypto (and vice versa).


In the shop settings, here is a new “Finances” tab that allows sellers to add bank cards (sellers’ fees will be charged from the indicated card in future) and specify bank account details (for funds assessments after successful selling).

Improving management

We have improved order management both for buyers and sellers. Also, we have implemented the possibility to change the category for your goods in shop settings.

New Starting Page

We have changed the main page design. Now storiqa.com is more informative and stylish and completely shows our mission.

Cart sections

If you add fiat and crypto goods to the cart, you will see that it has two different sections for fiat and crypto goods to avoid possible mix-ups.

Similar goods

We have added a new section on the product page that is called “Similar goods”. In order to create this function, we developed extra requests for integration with Rocket Retail. “Similar goods” section shows different products from equal categories that have approximately same characteristics and might suit you as well.

We are happy to know that you support us and follow our updates and we promise that we will keep up the good work and come back with new features. Stay tuned!

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crowdsale.storiqa.com. We believe in the Blockchain. We are into e-commerce too. We are creating a project that integrates these two issues into one.