“STQ team”: Interview with Egor Berezikov

Published in
4 min readFeb 22, 2019

Selling and buying goods worldwide with cryptocurrencies. Choosing products only with honest reviews. We have started the Storiqa with a simple pack of ideas.

Making a future of e-commerce ain’t that easy. We are working hard to achieve a great success and reach the stars. We are the Storiqa team, and here are our stories.

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Meet Egor Berezikov — Storiqa Business Development Manager

Egor, tell us please about yourself and your department. What are your responsibilities and what are you working on now?

Well, I’m a Business Development Manager in Storiqa and I work in eCommerce department. I have started working here 6 months ago. What does it mean to be a Business Development Manager? I engage new sellers to the platform and build partnerships with companies that make the same outsource. Also, I negotiate with delivery companies and try to reach the most profitable agreements for shipping Storiqa goods. Finally, I keep in touch with current sellers and help them to start selling with Storiqa.

What is the peculiarity of your job? How do you build communication with sellers, and most importantly — how do you search them?

The peculiarity of my job is diversity: there are a lot of people from different countries and different ways of thinking. You always should find a common language or delve into their issues, and show that you care.

Searching sellers isn’t too hard. They are all around us:exhibitions, official web-sites of shops, accounts on FB or Instagram. Moreover, many sellers come to us by themselves through our social networks and specially prepared landing pages.

What kind of sellers do suit Storiqa? Describe what qualities an online store should have in order to work with Storiqa?

The online store should sell extraordinary handcrafted things made with love. We try to find goods that stand out, attract attention, and bring their own soul. Sellers, in their turn, should be people with burning eyes, regardless of age and size of their business. We want to make our marketplace unique and taking a really valuable place in buyers’ hearts.

What are the most memorable sellers you met? Do you remember some unexpected conversations?

I met very bright and creative personalities who raised quite ordinary goods on a new level with their charisma, love for the beautiful, perfectionism. For example, I met two housewives from the UK who created a brand of stationery and accessories, and it has become popular among students. I established the communication with an elderly gentleman from the depths of Scotland who has been crafting leather bags for 30 years — and he became a legend in his region! Also, I remember a young woman from Bali who creates fantastic accessories of resin. And I’m glad that on Storiqa buyers can not only watch the stories of these sellers, but also purchase their unique goods.

Turning back to you. What has made you interested in Storiqa?

Storiqa team is a team of professionals who are united with an idea to create something special which will be useful for billions of people and which will bring something brand new to ecommerce market. The company has open and friendly environment. And you can feel it is in everything: bright spacious office, easy communication with colleagues — what really matters — regardless of their positions and statuses.

What do you expect from the company and what do you see in its future?

I expect the company to win the hearts of billions like it did with mine. I do hope that the development will be continued without any problems and soon many people from all over the world will know that Storiqa is.

Attracting the sellers seems to be not an easy task. Tell us, if there are some things that might be not obvious but worth noting while making some plans?

We are unknown to the most of the sellers, and you have to find the right words to attract a person within the first seconds of your phone or Internet conversation. Usually, sellers are rather distracted with their own issues and they are not ready to delve for a long time who you are, what kind of platform do you offer, what the conditions and income are… So I try to introduce Storiqa to the seller quickly and effectively and also establish the contact which will become fruitful for everyone.

What are the most difficult tasks you faced? What helped you to resolve it?

I could share one! It was hard but already solved: concluding partnership agreements with a number of logistics companies including advantageous conditions for us. The negotiations were long, repeated, and were carried out on different levels, so at some point you become tired of it and you have doubts that there will be some single solution… But we succeded!

Is there anything in your job (a fact, short story or maybe any task you had) that would be curious for our community?

Storiqa is a very open company, and we happy to have each person who comes to us and is interested in us. However, we do not give any solutions already prepared for the sellers, and gaining high level of sells is not a promise, it’s our common objective. Thus, if we want to gain a success, everyone should work hard!

What is the secret of successful team, in your view?

I believe that the secret of a start-up’s success is the ability to rapidly create the plan of action under the circumstances of total uncertainty, and this plan should be enhance by flexible and strong-willed management. I hope it works out.

Buy goods with STQ: https://storiqa.com/

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crowdsale.storiqa.com. We believe in the Blockchain. We are into e-commerce too. We are creating a project that integrates these two issues into one.