5 Reasons Why a Wedding Rehearsal Dinner is a Must Have

When it comes to planning a wedding many things must be implemented before moving forward with the actual “I Do.”

This takes great effort by many different people including your most valued friends and family. Because they’ve all worked so hard to ensure that your wedding day is perfect and comes off without a hitch, why not throw a rehearsal dinner party in appreciation for all their hard work?

Storkie.com blog reasons for a wedding rehearsal dinner

If you’re still not convinced that a wedding rehearsal dinner is a must have, perhaps these 5 reasons will change your mind:

  1. You have friends and family who flew thousands of miles to celebrate your special day with you and you’d like to say thank you.
  2. Because the night before your wedding is a once in a lifetime event and you should celebrate it with the people who made your wedding planning experience a beautiful one.
  3. Your bridesmaids have agreed to wear uncomfortable shoes for an entire day and night simply because they match the gowns you picked out perfectly and you’d like to say “thanks for getting blisters for me.”
  4. Because it’s a miracle that Uncle Charlie took off his cowboy boots to accommodate your formal wedding attire dress code and you’d like to celebrate that with champagne and great food.
  5. Simply because you have a section in your wedding workbook with slots for photos from your wedding rehearsal dinner and your type A personality won’t allow it to stay empty.

Are you convinced yet?

If not, here’s a link to other reasons why you should have a rehearsal dinner as well as how to plan a wedding rehearsal dinner, who should be invited and beautiful rehearsal dinner invitation ideas.



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