5 Things to Ask Your Wedding Photographer

Choosing a wedding photographer can be tricky, but getting fantastic photographs of your special day (or week) is worth a bit of extra effort. That’s why we’ve put together this list of five things to ask your prospective wedding photographers.

choosing a wedding photographer

1. What do you get in the end?

With digital photography taking over, more and more photographers are offering image file only packages. Others still insist on doing the printing. If you want to use your photos for things like your invitations, such as our new magazine cover styles, be sure to choose a photographer who will provide you with the high resolution files.

2. Your place or theirs?

Will the photographer want you in their studio, or will you be doing location shots, too. Both provide great photos, but there is a lot more diversity in what is produced on location. It also means you can show off some of your favorite places.

3. What is in their portfolio?

Always be sure to check out their previous work. Beyond this, make sure the photos you’re looking at are by the actual photographer you’ll be working with, and not somebody who used to be with the company.

4. How long will they shoot?

If you’re hiring a photographer for your wedding, make sure they’ll be there the whole day and night, not just for the ceremony. Similarly, if you are doing a pre-party photo shoot, confirm how long they’ll be photographing you to get an idea of how many photos you’re likely to get.

5. Can you speak to past clients?

A great photographer will be happy to put you in touch with people they’ve worked with. After all, the best advertisement they have is customers who love what they got. Speaking to past clients can also give you an idea of what the photographer’s real strengths are.

After you get the photos…

Once you have the photos, you’ll want to share them. Using them for invitations and thank you cards is a great way to show off the photos your photographer has taken.

To see our wide variety of photo cards, check out our site today!



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