Charting the Course for Agile Evolution in Independent Software Vendors with AWS MAP

Cloud Innovation: From Classic Software Providers to Pioneers in Cloud Services — A Guide to Strategic Transformation in the Digital Age

Sven Seiler
Storm Reply
7 min readJan 6, 2024


In an era where digitalization is rapidly reshaping the landscape, IT leaders are confronted with the critical task of steering their organizations toward efficient and secure cloud integration. This move is particularly vital for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), as it’s a key factor in maintaining competitiveness in an ever-evolving market. However, the journey to the cloud is fraught with complex decisions and strategic considerations.

In this article, we delve into the unique challenges and opportunities presented to ISVs during cloud migration. We illuminate the structured approach of the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) and explain how the tailored Road.MAP for Independent Software Vendors not only simplifies this transition but also enhances it.

Balancing Challenges and Seizing Opportunities in the Cloud for ISVs

The cloud represents a double-edged sword for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), presenting both challenges and opportunities. By adapting to new technologies and market conditions, managing migration hurdles, and leveraging the benefits of the cloud, ISVs can enhance their competitiveness and accelerate business growth.


  • Adapting to Market Shifts: ISVs must respond swiftly to market changes to stay competitive, necessitating a culture of agility and continuous learning.
  • Technical and Operational Hurdles: Cloud migration may involve extended migration times, operational disruptions, downtime, interoperability issues, and security concerns.
  • Balancing Costs and Performance: Achieving a balance between cost efficiency and the performance of cloud solutions is crucial. This requires ongoing adjustments and optimizations at every level of cloud usage, from development and provisioning to monitoring.


  • Digital Transformation: The cloud enables ISVs to transform their business models and align with digital changes. AWS supports this transformation with technical and business assistance, SaaS Factory, partner programs, and the AWS Marketplace.
  • Growth and Innovation: Partnering with AWS allows ISVs to scale their businesses and bring innovative solutions to market more quickly. AWS invests in the ISV community to develop differentiated solutions and explore joint market opportunities.
  • Networking and Collaboration: AWS encourages networking and collaboration among ISVs, both in the EMEA region and globally, fostering joint innovation and the sharing of best practices.
  • Responding to Customer Needs: The cloud empowers ISVs to flexibly meet the growing demands of their customers for scalable and low-maintenance IT solutions.

A Closer Look at the AWS Migration Acceleration Program

The AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) is a comprehensive and structured approach designed to aid businesses in their journey to the cloud. Drawing on insights from thousands of successful AWS cloud migrations, the program aims to simplify and expedite the cloud migration process for companies, with a keen focus on minimizing migration risks, reducing overall costs, and enhancing operational agility.

AWS MAP offers a blend of best practices, tools, and services, tailored to support businesses at each stage of their migration journey. The core components of the program include:

  • Assessment and Planning: AWS MAP starts with a thorough assessment of a company’s existing IT infrastructure to gain a clear understanding of migration requirements and challenges.
  • Expert Guidance: AWS and its partners provide expertise and resources to assist companies in developing a custom migration strategy, tailored to their specific needs and goals.
  • Financial Incentives: AWS offers financial support to help minimize costs associated with migrating and modernizing IT infrastructure.
  • Training and Certification: To enhance the technical skills of IT teams, AWS offers specific training and certifications, available through certified AWS partners.
  • Migration Services: AWS provides a range of services and tools to streamline and accelerate the migration process, from the initial migration to optimizing the new cloud environment.

Through this comprehensive support, the AWS Migration Acceleration Program aims to make cloud migration more efficient, faster, and secure for businesses of all sizes and sectors.

Road.MAP for Independent Software Vendors — A Tailored Journey in Cloud Migration

The Road.MAP is an initiative specially crafted for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) by Storm Reply, building upon the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP). This bespoke solution addresses the unique challenges and needs of ISVs in the context of cloud migration and transformation. With a focus on evolving towards cloud-based services and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) models, the program provides a mix of technical consultancy, specific migration strategies, and operational resources.

Leveraging extensive experience and expertise in cloud migration, the Road.MAP aids ISVs not only technically in their cloud transition but also offers strategic support in realigning their business models amidst digital transformation.

Similar to the AWS MAP, the Road.MAP is structured in three phases, but with relevant modifications to cater to the specificities of ISVs.

Assess Phase

The Assess Phase is the critical first step in the cloud migration process. It involves a thorough evaluation of the current IT infrastructure and strategy of the software provider, to develop a clear understanding of the requirements for migration to the AWS cloud. This phase lays the foundation for the entire migration process.

Assess Phase

In the Road.MAP, a special focus is placed on the business needs of ISVs, in contrast to the AWS MAP which emphasizes Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) at the enterprise level:

  • Application-Centric Assessment: Conducts an application-focused evaluation to define the target architecture for migration, allowing for more precise planning tailored to individual applications and their technological requirements.
  • Identification of Modernization Needs: Aligns with the “Well-Architected SaaS Lens” to identify application modernization needs, optimizing software products according to best practices and current SaaS standards.
  • Migration Readiness Assessment for ISVs: A specialized migration readiness assessment tailored for ISVs, addressing the unique challenges they may face in cloud migration.
  • Briefings and Workshops: Focused on ISV customers and the ISVs’ own strategy, ensuring the migration strategy aligns with market requirements and the strategic direction of the ISV.
  • Customized Business Cases: Creates individual business cases prioritizing SaaS commercialization and value KPIs like future time-to-market, release cycles, and operational excellence, supporting ISVs in achieving business goals and securing competitive advantages in the market.

Mobilize Phase

The Mobilize Phase focuses on building readiness through hands-on experience, with a special emphasis on cultural changes driven by the adoption of cloud-native services.

Focusing on cultural change through cloud-native services

Key elements include:

  • Application-Centered Approach: Focuses on modernization by assessing and adapting the target architecture of applications, paving the way for a more modern, cloud-native infrastructure.
  • Business Case Development: Develops business cases covering future SaaS distribution channels and monetization models, laying a solid foundation for future growth and revenue.
  • Early Prototyping: Collaborative prototyping aims to develop evolutionary Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) that can be flexibly extended and adapted to market requirements.
  • Strategic and Technical Monitoring: Establishes mechanisms for tracking SaaS usage models to manage costs and consumption effectively and support business objectives.
  • Cultural Competence Transfer: Promotes a culture of innovation and speed through targeted knowledge transfer and training on cloud-native services.
  • Automation: Implements automation for tenant isolation, data partitioning, and observability, enhancing the security and efficiency of solutions.
  • Pipelines: Develops pipelines that enable a fast, agile, yet secure software development lifecycle.
  • Operational Models: Develops operational models for rapid deployment cycles, minimizing overhead and increasing agility.
Adapted Mobilize phase

During this phase, the team works closely with the development groups and can supplement development resources as required to create scope during the transformation phase. The aim is to create a solid basis for the subsequent migration and modernization phase that is not only technically mature, but also organizationally and culturally prepared for the upcoming changes.

Migrate Phase (“Scale & Innovate”)

The Migrate Phase, now termed “Scale & Innovate” in the Road.MAP, focuses on accelerating transformation at scale, with a special emphasis on competitive advantages through customer-centric activities:

  • Application Optimization: Optimizes applications to leverage cloud services like auto-scaling, improved load balancing, and increased fail-safety.
  • Development of New Features: Utilizes cloud services to develop new features, enabling companies to bring more innovative solutions to market faster.
  • Customer-Centric Innovation: Focuses on developing features and services tailored to the specific needs of customers, gaining a direct competitive edge.
  • Infrastructure Scaling: Scales the cloud infrastructure to grow with customer demand without compromising performance.
  • Continuous Optimization: Continuously optimizes applications and services to keep pace with changing customer and market demands.
Entire Road.MAP process incl. adapted Scale and Innovate phase

This phase is crucial to ensure that cloud migration is not viewed as a one-time project but as an ongoing process of improvement and adaptation, enabling companies to remain competitive in a dynamic market environment.

Summary and Conclusion of the Road.MAP for ISVs

The Road.MAP represents an innovative approach that guides ISVs on their journey to the cloud, empowering them to position themselves competitively in the dynamic world of technology. This approach stands out for its focus on modern application patterns and the transformation into a service-oriented company, utilizing expertise in cloud-native services to drive cultural change.

Key highlights of the Road.MAP program include:

  • Adaptation to Modern Application Patterns: Facilitates the transition to modern application architectures, supporting companies in becoming service-oriented enterprises.
  • Cultural Change: Focuses on experience-based learning to foster a cultural shift, driven by cloud-native services.
  • Acceleration of Transformation: Enables large-scale transformations to be accelerated, with a focus on gaining competitive advantages through customer-centric activities.

The underlying motto, “Combining cloud native experts and cloud migration excellence for tailored adoption,” underscores the importance of customized support by cloud-native experts and excellence in cloud migration.

By minimizing migration risks, enhancing agility and innovation capabilities, and providing continuous support post-migration, the Road.MAP enables ISVs to assert themselves in a fast-paced world of technology and strengthen their market position.



Sven Seiler
Storm Reply

Sven Seiler, MD at Storm Reply leads in cloud software development and consulting. Co-founder of AWS User Groups and co-organizer of AWS Community Day DACH