4-morning LOCKDOWN strategies that set you up for success so YOU have a GREAT DAY EVERYDAY…

Keith Richardson
Published in
6 min readFeb 2, 2021

My 4-morning strategies that will help you get focused and mentally prepared to handle lockdown and whatever crap may come your way.

As promised in the title today I’m going to give you a quick run-through of what I personally do to set my morning up for success and limit distractions so I get the best positive start to my day.

These simple strategies are so simple and are extremely effective given the opportunity…and they’ll help YOU get focused and mentally prepared to handle whatever sh1t might come your way.


I’d like to make these few small points very clear >>>

These strategies I’m sharing with you are from my own personal journey of self-discovery they are by no means a doctrine and therefore you should always explore what works for you and disregard what doesn’t,

That being said, I’d ask that you give them a fair crack of the whip before dismissing them as mumbo jumbo or airy-fairy, they are a lot more than that and are based on credible scientific research.

All I ask is that you come to them with an open mind and leave any preconceived notions of what you think “others” may think especially those of you who are lads that feel like you need to keep a… “manly man” charade going 24/7.

I’d like to make the point … if you are reading this then maybe that life isn’t serving you that well and it might be time to drop it and move forward?

So a morning ritual for me is all about setting my INTENTIONS for the day ahead.

What can I do that won’t take “hours” of my time and can fit practically in my morning so I can be as consistent as possible even on my busiest days or even if I’m travelling. (not that there’s much of that happening right now)

Remember if we make something difficult to do or that it requires “motivation” or “will power” every morning it won’t work long-term

I want a simple, easy to implement strategy that will place me at an 8 or higher scaling from 1–10 where 1 is feeling absolutely miserable and 10 I’d be feeling amazing and all this in the shortest amount of time possible.

So, here’s what I do

I get up at 7am at the moment due to lockdown on an ordinary working day it would be 6am.

The first strategy:

I would HIGHLY recommend for everyone is to do a form of breathing exercise which also incorporates mindfulness or some form of meditation or contemplation… it doesn’t really matter what you want to label it…whatever works for you that’s what matters

Trust me this is super POWERFUL and it was a real game-changer for me personally.

Now listen, I don’t wrap myself in a blanket, burn incense, speak in tongues, chant and insist on being called Moonchild…and I’m not asking you to do the same unless that's your thing of course.

I follow a simple 11min breathing exercise routine using the (Wim Hof Method) on my phone, now you can download a FREE app also but I began with this one and just stuck with it at the beginning again (make it easy)

The second strategy:

I do exactly 5 minutes of yoga-type stretching now I’ve created my own condensed routine with this but if you’d like somewhere to start, you could search on Youtube they’ve a lot of great short follow-along videos for beginners and you just select the one that works for you.

This type of stretching especially after sleep is very effective (take the lead from mother nature and every animal or pet you’ve ever seen wake up from sleep…they all stretch from dogs to cats to lions).

It promotes better blood flow and synovial fluid (natural fluid that lubricates the joints) within your joints reducing inflammation and basically helping you to move better and as we age or become more and more sedentary we move less so we begin to lose the ability in stages.

Test it out…listen to yourself getting up from sitting in front of the TV if you unknowingly make that old man/woman groan… you need to start a stretching routine.

basically, it boils down to that old saying “use it or lose it”

The third strategy:

I head for my shower haha (Hmm that doesn’t seem to be much of a strategy) wait, wait… So what I do here is…

I’ll have my shower as normal but COLD… WHAT … NO WAYYYY … I’m not crazy cold showers have been proven to be amazing for you on a lot of different levels both physical and mental.

✅ It stimulates your hormonal system,
✅ Reduced stress levels
✅ Gives you a higher level of alertness
✅ Builds a more robust immune response
✅ Increases your oxygen levels
✅ It improves recovery and
✅ Naturally boosts testosterone levels for men (allow the water to continuously hit the upper traps for the best effect)
✅ Even improves weight loss

I’m not saying you should jump straight in with cold showers, I’d recommend having your normal shower and then switching it to cold and give yourself a goal of 2min in the beginning.

Final morning Strategy:

I make my way to the kitchen take the time to make some good coffee (I’m a bit of a coffee snob, to be honest)

chill out in my favourite chair and open up my journal and check out what I’ve prioritised from the night before that (needs) to be done first in my day.

I go over my schedule for the day regarding my non-negotiable tasks like business, training, study and family.

Journaling and having a schedule to refer to is another one of those amazing game-changers

because it limits your ability to get distracted by less serving, low priority distractions that can eat away your time, causing you to get stressed and feeling overwhelmed. You end up always chasing your tail trying to “make back” time and feeling like you’re getting nowhere fast, which only leaves you feeling overstretched, hassled and distressed which makes you less productive.

That's it BUT for any strategy to have an effect, you need these two VERY IMPORTANT THINGS…

Consistency (this is also true of bad habits) and Accountability

so I’ll leave you with this final thought that was given to me by my coach (yes… I do have a coach and you’ll find all successful people at every level do)

“Consistency always demonstrates your commitment level…”

Be safe, be active, be creative and
as always try and be kind to each other




Keith Richardson

For me, life is progress, not perfection it’s an unwavering belief that your health is an adventure, something to explore and your fitness is freedom.