Appearance is a consequence of Fitness

Keith Richardson
Published in
2 min readMar 9, 2021

Not everyone will grasp the concept of this quote from Mark Twight because it’s somehow brutal in its honesty.

Appearance is a consequence of Fitness…

Basically, you are what you do or don’t do when it comes to your health, fitness and nutrition.

However, it does make sense that a good foundation based on some solid principles of ‘true fitness’ does lead to an appealing “good” appearance.

It’s more than just strength, more muscle mass or low body fat percentage. It’s also about performance, endurance, flexibility, power, balance, coordination, speed, agility and quickness.

We love our labels in modern society we want everything to be categorised hence the term Hybrid athlete…Why? is it not just overall good health? when did a healthy life become an exception to the rule, the aspirational rather than an excepted prerequisite? … we are products of our chosen environment.

Aesthetics should be a byproduct of your overall good health not the only focus of the journey.

We are not born to be sedentary in fact it’s to the detriment of our health, we were born to move, be strong, be fast and agile. It’s been proven time and time again that the healthier we are the better our brain functions and as individuals the happier we are.

Our lives are less stressful and we are less prone to develop depression, anxiety, stress or overwhelm. We create better habits and relationships when we are healthy. The body as a whole always responds positively to better fitness and that’s just a fact.

So you then have to ask yourself how long am I prepared to avoid the truth?


How long am I prepared to convince myself when I look in the mirror “I’m not that bad, I’m not that far gone”

What’s holding you back? ….and if the answers you provide yourself with sound more like excuses ask the same question again “WHY NOT?”

what's the alternative look like?

be safe, be active, be creative and
as always try and be kind to each other and peace




Keith Richardson

For me, life is progress, not perfection it’s an unwavering belief that your health is an adventure, something to explore and your fitness is freedom.