How I went from the couch to a triathlete in 5 weeks

Keith Richardson
Published in
5 min readFeb 8, 2021

“Just let go of the rope”… This is the exact phrase I said to myself the first time I climbed into the cold dark blackwater of a peat bottomed lake with zero visibility to swim in open water for the first time in years.

FEAR and pure anxiety and a bit of panic is the only way I can describe what I felt, I was so far outside my comfort zone it wasn’t even funny.

I never liked the thoughts of swimming in rivers or lakes due to a life-threatening experience I had years ago and now I found myself, heart-pounding and every fibre of my being saying what the f**k am I doing, O my god… get out, get out” (apologies in advance for the colourful language)

But instantaneously I had another voice saying “f**k it… I’m going anyway”

Let me give you some context… one of my best pals is an accomplished triathlete and a general all-round badass when it comes to anything sports or the outdoors. He happened to suggest I do a triathlon (sometime) as I had been enjoying a bit of cycling and running over lockdown.

I didn’t pass any heed as we were getting changed by our cars after a short run at the time. You know how it is when you’re preoccupied, I was like “ahh yea yea no worries” while to be honest, I really wasn’t in the moment at all, all I could think about was that I was late to meet my wife for coffee again…

All the married guys know exactly what I’m talking about …”I’m soo dead, I’m so soooooo dead ”

Now I live in a small housing estate and my friend lives 3 doors down from me so when I landed home after our “late” coffee (and a verbal beating) there he was leaning out a bedroom window shouting down to me.

“hey man all sorted!!!” … I honestly hadn’t a clue what he was talking about

“what’s all sorted?” I replied

“The triathlon….I booked us in”

“WHAT… Really…, right, mmmm OK so when is it? like 12 weeks time or a couple of months? Next year?

Then he said it…“5 weeks”

5 weeks and I’d never swam more than a couple of feet in open water on holiday with my kid in at least the 10 years.

“I’m screwed”

BUT, I had a choice, I could come up with every excuse as to why this was such a bad idea or go all-in because sometimes it’s about doing what you said you’d do and just ….turning up every day.

We started by training on my lunch break and it was simply “NON NEGOTIABLE” I made a commitment that every day regardless of weather conditions, meetings, client commitments, how many hours I’d worked that week, feeling tired/lazy/sorry for myself, regardless of all or any of this, I had to turn up every day that was the deal…

I also had to log my other run and bike training sessions on Strava to prove I wasn’t backing down on what I’d said I’d do.

Then with only a week to go to the event it was cancelled…covid strikes again…You’d think I’d feel gutted but to be honest I felt like I had been let off the hook…Only then to find out that my pal took it upon himself to organize his own makeshift triathlon with his “triathlon/ironman buddies” to be held in my home town …

And practically straight away those internal voices started again “ahh everyone will know” “ this wasn’t the deal, it’s not what I agreed to, it was meant to be in a different town where no one knew me” “these guys are all great at this and I’ll look like a dick…”

But that’s when it all kicked in (for me)

STOP… and measure backwards…

basically, look at where you’ve come from rather than always looking at how far you’ve left to go.

make a conscientious habit of saying yes to more of the things that force you to feel uncomfortable and outside your comfort zone, things you’re not naturally good at. That’s the real adventure turning up every day and if you want a result making certain those things are non-negotiable.

What I’ve learned

Sometimes it’s as simple as letting go of the rope… It’s an amazing feeling when you’re no longer afraid of failure it provides an amazing sense of freedom. You become unbound from what you believe others may think and their possible perceived expectations, anything and everything is possible. It’s a massive breath of fresh air.

I was due to do a “try a triathlon” a 250m swim, 20k bike and 4K run. I ended up doing an Olympic distance triathlon 1.5 km (0.93 mile) swim, 40 km (25 mile) cycle and a 10 km (6.2 mile) Run

One of the biggest lessons I’m taking away from the entire experience is that motivation usually comes after ACTION, not before it… so don’t put your faith in motivation especially if you are waiting on it to change your lifestyle.

I hope this helps anyone out there who might be struggling and waiting to get started on their own health or fitness journey.

Take the chance, let go of the rope… you are stronger than you give yourself credit for and you never know what might happen. Think of it this way, what have you got to lose and what could you possibly stand to gain? You might just surprise yourself…

Be safe, be active, be creative and
as always try and be kind to each other

peace…Keith #stormfree



Keith Richardson

For me, life is progress, not perfection it’s an unwavering belief that your health is an adventure, something to explore and your fitness is freedom.