How my DOG thought me a BIG life lesson during LOCKDOWN.

Keith Richardson
Published in
3 min readFeb 4, 2021

A few weeks ago I hit a bit of a ‘slump’ Yes believe it or not fitness professionals suffer the same emotions as everyone else despite what they portray on the highlight reel that is social media. I’m not afraid to admit I felt really low, zero energy, I couldn’t be bothered. I’m sure you’ve experienced that before, right?

Anyhoo… I had ZERO motivation to get anything done, nothing mattered to the point where I actually started whining about it, happy to wallow in my own self-pity party.

“I wish I had more motivation” “I wish I had the energy to get myself out of this slump” “I wish I weren’t so tired from doing nothing” and it’s around this time I was reminded of a VALUABLE lesson …and you’ll never guess by whom?

MY DOG…Reggie

Yes, you heard me right the first time, my little West Highland Terrier. You see we both like getting out in the fresh air and trail running over mountains and other trails around Sligo on the west coast of Ireland.

But to look at us we are a right pair. We’re just not built to be runners …I’m definitely no Usain Bolt, and he’s no german shepherd although sometimes I think he’s really confused and truly believes he is let me put it this way what he lacks in height he makes up for in swagger and attitude.

We’ve both got height issues, to say the least haha, short legs and heavy-bodied…we definitely don’t glide, there’s nothing graceful or gazelle-like about what we do, it ain't pretty you get the picture, basically, we just don’t look the part ..AT ALL, But that doesn’t stop us WHY because we enjoy it and when you truly lose yourself in something you enjoy you tend to forget about who’s watching kina like old folks dancing at a wedding, haha they just don’t give a sh1t…

You see you don’t HAVE motivation… you CREATE motivation

Motivation is an EMOTION just like fear, being self-conscious, anxiety, anger and those same feelings you experience when you feel like you don’t quite fit in… BUT there is hope because like I said you can create a different path and when you know how? you can CREATE ANY EMOTION YOU LIKE, Motivation, Calm, Gratitude, Inspiration and even HAPPINESS.

but I digress let’s get back to Reggie and his Big Lesson I’d like to share with YOU…Here it is …Never concern yourself with what others may or may not think and start living for you…and when you do, do it with a bit of attitude and style because what we tend to forget is that those same people we think are judging us are already preoccupied with their own insecurities to be concerned with what you’re doing.

This is why I truly believe most dogs have LIFE figured out, HAPPINESS is sooo much simpler than YOU think, REAL happiness is UNCOMPLICATED by the rush of life, How much money you have or don’t have, What you’ve accomplished or haven’t and…

It’s beyond what you feel good or guilty about

(my favourite line in this whole article)

It’s about our unconditional relationships with the -earth -nature -and each other

This is what's truly important.

Be safe, be active, be creative and
as always try and be kind to each other

peace…Keith #stormfree



Keith Richardson

For me, life is progress, not perfection it’s an unwavering belief that your health is an adventure, something to explore and your fitness is freedom.