#Powerstoryart 2

Jasky Singh
Story Art
Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2016


Skill stacking to dominate.
Story Art by Jasky

Two young men graduated from the same university 20 years ago. On that warm summer’s day, the hall was brimming with anticipation for a bright future.

The two were similar in many ways. Both top students, both humble, and friendly, and both driven to succeed.

Today they meet 20 years later for the first time since graduating.

The two men uncover, even today, they are very much alike. Both have beautiful wives, two kids, and an insatiable desire to excel at work. Having graduated with the same degree in Engineering, it turns out, they are also both working for the two largest technology companies in the country.

However, there is one difference. One of them is a manager to a 20-man division at his company. The other is the owner of his 3,000-man company.

The Manager, awestruck, wanting to know what lead to this difference. He was one of the most skilled Engineers in the country, and incredibly sought after. Yet, despite this, he is the lesser successful of the two.

“I am certain you are a better Engineer than I am, I have spent very little time on improving my Engineering skills since graduating”, said the Owner.

“I don’t understand”, responded the Manager, “then how did you flourish?”.

“Well. I am a reasonably good Engineer, I am also a reasonably good writer, I am also a reasonably good negotiator, and I have also trained to become reasonably good at understanding human psychology”, explained the Owner. “Each skill on its own would make me pretty average. But the combination of these skills is what makes me great”.

“Now answer me this — is the CEO the best Engineer at his company? Was Henry Ford a better manufacturer of automobiles than the best in his business?” the Owner asked.

“No, of course not”, responded the Manager.

“That’s why I’ve flourished”.

Not long after, the Manager agreed to quit his job and join the Owner to work at his company.

In a world of specialists, the powerful is the one with many skills

SOLD — $299/ea (jaskysingh.com)

History of Story Art.

Story Art is a new genre of art, one that brings the two most powerful ways of spreading a message for the past 5,000+ years together — storytelling and art. Taking simplicity to the highest level to share messages and teach lessons that change people’s thinking. MORE

This is the #powerstoryart collection — a collection of story arts on the greatest strategies to gain power and influence in a competitive world.

For the rest of the series, follow the journey on Instagram @sikkant.



Jasky Singh
Story Art

Start-ups and Stand-Up. Running business by day, making people laugh by night. E: me@jaskysingh.com