
F. Leonora Solomon
💯 stories challenges
3 min readMar 2, 2022


The disarray of cups that she had left on the kitchen counter made her cry. Made her think of the cups that showed up in her tarot card readings.

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Leila was devastated by the time she got home. Taking off her bra without taking off her shirt, she flung her brassiere across the room.

The disarray of cups that she had left on the kitchen counter made her cry. Made her think of the cups that showed up in her tarot card readings.

Jack had not said a word to her since this last time when he said it was over.

“This is it!” he had said and left. He came for his things when she was not there and had not called or texted her.

It had happened a thousand times before and they had always gotten back together. But this was the longest time. She could not bear to think that this was it because she loved him and did not want to lose him.

She had pushed him that night, Leila tried not to think of what she had done.

And he had pushed her.

They always pushed each other too hard.

But she loved him more than she had loved anyone else and did not want to know what she would do if they did not get back together.

Usually, he would send her an apology text after some time. This time she was so desperate that she wondered if…

