A Lesson from The Situation and the Story

Mickey Hadick
Story Stories
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May 10, 2023


Image via Stencil App

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve eluded to my Moth GrandSLAM storytelling event. It happened.

All went well. I didn’t win, but that wasn’t the point (says the guy who didn’t win).

No, seriously, it was fine. I wanted to tell a good story and that was it. You can read more about it here in this article.

If you don’t want to do that, then allow me to plant this seed, which is that the past few years, my shortform writing has improved thanks mostly to a book called, The Situation and the Story.

If you have interest in personal essay or memoir, or blogging, or maybe even telling stories at the Moth, check out that book.



Mickey Hadick
Story Stories

Novelist of suspense, sci-fi and satire. A student of the art and craft of storytelling. Expert on creative productivity, web publishing, and dirty limericks.