Busyness as Usual, Writing as Moonlighting

Mickey Hadick
Story Stories
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2 min readApr 23, 2023


This week was the third in a row overwhelmed with busyness. Lots to do, little to show for it.

I rant at length in the most recent Story Stories piece, How to Fall in Love with Writing Over and Over Again.

But one thing I can show is my latest for Look Busy at the Office, (the newsletter for people who work in an office but don’t work very hard at it).

The Busyness Thing

There are always great excuses not to write, and staying vigilant to ward them off takes almost as much effort as the act of writing.

The danger lies in when you put it off repeatedly. It’s like the Amy Schumer joke:

Q: When is the best day for a married couple to have sex?

A: Tomorrow.

Beta Reader Feedback on a Novel

I’ve gotten the first feedback from a beta reader of my novel. She’s correct in what she’s pointed out as flaws, but it stings to hear it. Somehow, I thought this time I’d written the perfect 53,000 word story. Like she would come back with, “No notes.”

In my defense, I have a day job, and the thought of spending a month worth of evenings revising a novel is grim. But showing up is the hard part.

Once my ass is in the seat and the imperfect story faces me on the computer monitor, I can usually kick into whatever version of flow state I have to fix a messy story.

The Story Story

I hope sharing my struggles and obstacles helps or inspires you to do the hard work of your own writing. After all these years, I still find it rewarding.

But as you overcome one aspect of writing, you must confront another. I know I’ve gotten better at writing, but I know it won’t ever be simple or straight forward.

Going Forward

I’m pulling together everything I’ve learned about creativity and storytelling to give it all back to the community.

So If you’re tired of watching others create and you want to finally join in the fun, sign up for my newsletter, Creativity for Fun and Profit and I’ll send you a free course, Awaken Your Creative Abundance.



Mickey Hadick
Story Stories

Novelist of suspense, sci-fi and satire. A student of the art and craft of storytelling. Expert on productive creativity, web publishing, and dirty limericks.