For The Win

Joey Camire
Story Framgments
Published in
1 min readMar 21, 2016

“It’s worth considering,” Danner said as he slid the money into his pocket, “that winning is only important to the loser. It’s the absence of a win that allows you to truly see it’s value. What does a win mean to a winner? To a winner it’s just the maintenance of the status quo, another hashmark in the ongoing count. Knock another off the list. You should consider yourself lucky. Today I’ve taught you a valuable lesson, and that is how I earned this money. A service provided and payment renderd. Thank you and you’re very welcome.”

The boy considered this, the look of frustration on his face melting to dejection as the realization of his loss began to sink in.

“Winning isn’t playing fair,” Danner said over his shoulder as he began to stroll away. “Following the rules is a mindless drudge towards inevitability. Winning is taking the bull by the tits and forcing him to produce milk.” He let out a self-satisfied laugh. “Winning, my short little friend, is control.”



Joey Camire
Story Framgments

Trying to make magic. Mostly create illusions. Founding team @SylvainLabs