Always A Choice - Review


Photo provided by Rana Schenke

Book: Always a Choice. Date of publication: 2024. Genre: Fantasy.

I had the immense pleasure of being able to read an advance review copy (ARC) of Always a Choice, by Rana Schenke. I’ve never been an ARC reader before, so this was really exciting. However, because of life and law school, the book was published before I had a chance to fully read it. Finally, this week I managed to sit down and finish it while I stayed home from school due to a cold. Right off the bat, I can tell you this book made staying home and ignoring my legal writing assignment so much more enjoyable.

And enjoyable is probably the right word to describe this book. My overall impression is that this book is fun. It is fast-paced, always jumping onto the next plot point. And it has to be fast. The characters are sent on a spy mission to find a girl who has been kidnapped in what they believe is an attempt to start a war between the fairies and a lone and possibly lonely elf. The stakes are high for the girl and the fairies, and Jess (the main character) and her spy partners, Lyle (her older half-sibling), and Penn (the patron fairy of horses and cars), have to race against the clock as they uncover a nefarious plot. All isn’t as it seems.

The author described it as being similar to Percy Jackson, and I absolutely see that. While I personally don’t like Percy Jackson, I do think…



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