‘Sasquatch Sunset’ Film Review

Unlike Anything You’ve Seen Before

Liselotte goes to Hollywood
Story Lamp Reviews


Jesse Eisenberg and Christophe Zajac-Denek in Sasquatch Sunset courtesy of Icon Film Distribution

Film: Sasquatch Sunset. Year: 2024. Genre: Action/Adventure/Comedy. Directors: David Zellner and Nathan Zellner

While the changing and improving technology has made it easier for filmmakers to create new worlds no one has ever explored, it’s still more often than not that directors take too much inspiration from other filmmakers and features close to the one they’re about to make. This results in films feeling like copies of each other instead of unique and utterly creative works. We can partly say the same about directors David Zellner (Damsel, Black Something) and Nathan Zellner (Damsel, Black Something). While they certainly had a close look at Harry & the Hendersons and Suburban Sasquatch when creating their latest movie, Sasquatch Sunset is still unlike anything you’ve seen before.

Don’t expect to hear cleverly written dialogues or conversations laced with tons of humour. No, apart from the bigfoots’ primal sounds and the forest’s incredible natural sounds, the movie is ‘silent’. The directors must rely on perfect facial expressions, body language, and top-notch prosthetic work to convey their central hairy characters’ emotions. While the costumes, especially the ‘skin’, look rough and ready, that unrefined finish makes them impressive and effective. The characters come to life…



Liselotte goes to Hollywood
Story Lamp Reviews

Film journalist living in London. If you have a film to review or interview opportunities, contact me via liselottevanophem@hotmail.com :)