Sprout’s 25 under 25 list 2019

Story of AMS
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2019

We’re not the first tech agency in the world, so going from 0 to 25 employees in only 3 years with a revenue hitting 7 numbers is quite impressive, huh? We’re happy to say that we’re not the only ones feeling this way. Story of AMS is featured in Sprout’s 2019 list of 25 most promising entrepreneurs under the age of 25 👏🏼

So why exactly do big and small companies want to do business with us? We build future proof digital products. By using the same development technology as Uber, AirBnB & Facebook, we’re able to build scalable and flexible products for our clients and partners. Whether you need an update, a new feature or an adjustment in the future, everything is possible.

Yes, a revenue of more than a million is just the start of reaching our goals. We like to dream big and make it happen. But no matter how many zeroes our revenue contains, creating a work environment where everyone feels at home is what we value the most.

Besides creating a home for our employees, we want to make the world a better place. In the near future we’ll be launching two new initiatives, Saltyweed and Blossom. One’s focused on the environment, whereas the other is focused on health and wellness.

Our company name might have Amsterdam in it, but that for sure doesn’t mean we’re not going to expand our business to other places. We’ve got some great plans ahead in Hamburg, LA and New York. All in 2019.

Below is the link to the full article, where Coen and Doeke explain how and why they’re so successful at such a young age (article is in Dutch, but we’re happy to translate if you’re as enthusiastic about it as we are)

Sprout’s 2019 list

