Story of Tokyo

Story of AMS
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2018

Dreaming and doing are a world apart.

It’s like Gandhi’s saying: “All good thoughts and ideas mean nothing without action.”

But when dreaming and doing come together, it can become one hell of a story.

Selfie time at the Fushimi Inari-taisha

In 2016 our founders traveled to Japan. During the time they were the only ones working at Story of AMS. A two-man operation, laying the bedrock of what it is today and what it is aspiring to be.

While traveling through Japan something emerged. Call it admiration, call it appreciation or call it love. The culture and the people definitely left an impression.

“Maybe one day we can bring our team over”.

That day came not very long after. It took about a year when our team traveled to Japan and had one of the best experiences since AMS came into existence. One of the few countries that are similar to other Western countries yet is completely different at the same time.

Story of Tokyo: the aftermovie

For many it was the first time visiting Japan, for some it was the first time eating sushi, for one it was the longest flight ever. And he hates flying. But nobody would have wanted to miss it for the world. Doing a bit of work here and there, think about new ideas, taste new foods, meet awesome people, visit beautiful places, but the true beauty was sharing the experience with each other. Not everyone can call their colleagues their friends. But this trip was a trip with friends. This is probably one of the foundations at AMS. Five, six and sometimes even seven days a week we see each other’s faces in a desk filled room to build digital experiences for our clients. But not because we have to. Because we choose to.

Now we may dream of opening an office in Tokyo. 🚀

Believing in what we can achieve, together.

