Antonyms in Mandarin Chinese 1

Chris Lee
Story of Eggbun Education
2 min readJul 20, 2017

How about some practice? Let’s fill in the blanks.

(Find the answers and the recording of the answers at the bottom of this page)

  1. Wǒ xiǎng zhǎo wǒde yī gè ___ tóngxué. (我想找我的一个___同学。) : I want to search out an old classmate. (lit. I-want-find-my-one-’measure word ge’-old-classmate)
  2. Tā dāngshí duō ___ le? (“她当时多___了?”): “How old was she then?” (lit. She-then-how big-‘particle le’)
  3. Tā ___ ___ jíle. (他___ ___极了。) : His joy was immense. (lit. He-happy-extremely)
  4. Tā nián ___ duō qíng. (他年___多情。): He is young and romantic . (lit. He-young-passionate)
  5. Wǒde biǎo ___ le. (我的表___了。): My watch broke down. (lit. My-watch-broken/bad-‘particle le’)
  6. Tā kū de hěn ___ ___. (她哭得很___ ___。) : She wept bitterly/sadly. (lit. She-cry-‘particle de’-very-sad)
  7. Tā duì wǒ zǒngshì hěn ___. (他对我总是很___。) : He has always been good to me. (lit. He-treat-me-always-very-good)
  8. Nàge ___ gōngyù méiyǒu chúfáng. (那个___公寓没有厨房。): The little apartment has no kitchen. (lit. That-small-apartment-not to have-kitchen)

Play the recording to listen and check or change your answers.

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  1. lǎo (老)
  2. dà (大)
  3. kāi’xīn (开心)
  4. yòu (幼)
  5. huài (坏)
  6. shāng’xīn (伤心)
  7. hǎo (好)
  8. xiǎo (小)



Chris Lee
Story of Eggbun Education

Likes traveling around the world to teach Mandarin Chinese, to learn, to share and to love.