Antonyms in Mandarin Chinese 2

Chris Lee
Story of Eggbun Education
2 min readJul 23, 2017

How about some practice? Let’s fill in the blanks.

(Find the answers at the bottom of this page)

  1. Nàxiē ___ fángzi yǐjīng chāidiào le. (那些___房子已经拆掉了。) : The old houses have been torn down. (lit.Thos-old-houses-already-torn down-‘particle le’)
  2. Wǒmen měi ge rén dōu yǒu ___ ___ de guāndiǎn. (我们每个人都有___ ___的观点。): Each of us has a different point of view. (lit. Us-each-’measure word ge’-people-also-have-different-‘particle de’-point of view)
  3. Tā bǐ guòqu ___ duō le. (他比过去___多了。): He ‘s much fatter than he used to be. (lit. He-compare-past-fat-much-‘particle le’)
  4. Xiǎomāo de zhǐjia tài ___ le. (小猫的指甲太___了。): The kitten’s nails are too sharp. (lit. Small cat-‘possessive particle de’-nails-too-sharp-‘particle le’)
  5. Tā hé wǒ ___ ___, gèzhǒng yīnyuè dōu xǐ’ài. (她和我___ ___, 各种音乐都喜爱。): Like me, she enjoys all kinds of music. (lit. She-and-me-same, all kinds-music-also-like)
  6. Nǐde shēntǐ hěn ___. (你的身体很___。) : You got a skinny build. (lit. Your-body-very-thin)
  7. Wǒ míngtiān qù mǎi jī jiàn ___ yīfu. (我明天去买几件___衣服。): I will buy some new clothes tomorrow. (lit. I-tomorrow-go-buy-some-‘measure word for clothes’-new-clothes)
  8. Dāo ___ le. (刀___了。): The knife is blunt. (lit. Knife-blunt-‘particle le’)

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  1. jiù (旧)
  2. bù’tóng (不同)
  3. pàng (胖)
  4. jiān (尖)
  5. yī’yàng (一样)
  6. dùn (钝)
  7. shòu (瘦)
  8. xīn (新)



Chris Lee
Story of Eggbun Education

Likes traveling around the world to teach Mandarin Chinese, to learn, to share and to love.