Interview with Erik

Fernando Moon
Story of Eggbun Education
3 min readOct 28, 2021

1.Hi, please introduce yourself.

Hello, my name is Erik and I am an American living in Korea. I currently teach English here and study Korean in my free time

2. What are the best things [OR: positives] about being able to speak Korean fluently?

The main benefits of learning Korean are clear. Through Korean, I am able to interact with Korean people easily and integrate much more easily into Korean society. Even moreso, speaking Korean has allowed me to understand Korean culture and nuances much more easily.

3. What’s the biggest challenge [OR: What are the challenges] when learning Korean?

The biggest challenge for learning Korean has to be listening. Koreans tend to speak quite fast and are not very acquainted with speaking Korean to foreigners, so they don’t slow down very much. Even moreso, Korean is very different from English in the expressions that they use, so it’s difficult to translate the meanings directly even if you know all the words!

4. How did you overcome this challenge [OR: these challenges] ?

I would say that I haven’t completely overcome these challenges yet! For listening, pure experience has been the best way for me to improve. Having exposed myself to the language again and again, I’ve been able to pick up more and more of the language. As for expressions, the best way is to keep speaking and studying! NEVER speak English when you are out and about in Korea!

5. How did you discover Eggbun when you first started? [OR: What did you think about Eggbun when you first started?]

I discovered Eggbun through a friend, and at first I thought it was just a simple course that gave pdfs on how to study certain concepts, etc

6. Can you let me know your top tips for getting the best out of Eggbun?

Speak Korean!! The more time you spend practicing the better you will become. Eggbun offers one on one speaking sessions with an instructor, and preparing for those sessions and speaking what you learned is absolutely vital.

7. What’s the best part of Eggbun?

I was really impressed with the structure that came with the program. It encouraged daily homework and feedback which kept the learned words fresh in my mind and let me see where I was making mistakes. All in all, it was very useful.

8. Why do you think that Eggbun is useful compared to other methods or tools for learning a language?

Eggbun is useful since it gives a clear lesson plan and instructor feedback, along with speaking sessions. Most places I tried had one or two of these elements but not all of them put together. It feels like a real class, as you are put in with other students as well who you can meet and communicate with!

9. Have there been any changes in your life since you started learning Korean? Please tell me what these are.

Since I started learning Korean, I’ve been able to make more friends, use more Korean services, and on a personal note, raise my self confidence!

10. What’s your goal with learning Korean?

My goal with learning Korean is to become fluent enough to live my life in the language without needing English for the more technical parts of daily life

11. Can you describe what learning Korean means to you?

Learning Korean means not only to learn the language, but to use the language to learn about the Korean people, and their society. Through Korean, I’ve been able to stop looking through the window and instead walk through the door of this country, and truly interact with locals from all walks of life, not just those who know English!



Fernando Moon
Story of Eggbun Education

I've studied 6 languages. Failed to learn 3, succeeded in the other 3. I got a deep insight about language learning. Now I try to implement it by helping others