[Korean culture] Wedding Ceremony(결혼식)
in Korea

Seohee Kim
Story of Eggbun Education
4 min readNov 14, 2023
Wedding Ceremony in Korea
  • 신랑 groom
  • 신부 bride
  • 결혼 축하드려요. Congratulations on your wedding.
  • 청첩장 wedding invitation

An invitation to a wedding is called a 청첩장.
The bride and groom’s names, the wedding date, time, place, and how to get there are written in it. There is also usually a mobile invitation (모바일 청첩장) that contains wedding photos of the bride and groom.

It’s better to arrive 30 minutes before the ceremony starts. Make sure to check the time and place (including the floor), as there may be a few wedding ceremonies taking place in the same building.

  • 결혼식장 / 예식장 / 웨딩홀 wedding hall
  • 축의금을 내다 to pay congratulatory money
  • 식권을 받다 to get a meal coupon

At Korean weddings, it’s common to give money instead of gifts. When you arrive at the venue, there will be a table divided into the groom’s and bride’s sides where you can pay.

Put money in the envelope provided. On the front of the envelope, write the words “축결혼 (congratulations on your marriage)”, in the back, write your organization and name vertically and hand it to the bride or groom’s side. You will receive a meal voucher to use (usually after the ceremony).

Usually, the groom walks around with his parents to greet guests before entering the ceremony. You can go over and say congratulations ‘(결혼) 축하드려요’.

  • 신부 대기실 a bridal waiting room

The bride usually waits in the waiting room and takes pictures with her guests.
If you know the bride, come up, say congratulations, take a picture with her, and leave the place for the next person.

  • 주례(자) officiant
  • 사회(자) MC : the person hosting the ceremony and announcing the order.
  • 하객 guest(s) (for wedding)

Usually, the bride and groom’s guests sit on the right and left, respectively. Typical Korean wedding ceremony order: Entry of the bride and groom’s mothers and lighting of the flame (화촉점화) — Entry of the groom (신랑 입장) — Entry of the bride (신부 입장) — Marriage vows (혼인서약서) — Officiant’s words of blessing (주례) — Wedding rings exchange (예물 교환) — Wedding congratulation song (축가) — Bride and groom’s greetings to the parents (양가 부모님 인사) — Bride and groom’s recessional (exit) (행진).
(The order may vary slightly from wedding to wedding.)

  • 사진을 찍다 to take pictures
  • 부케를 던지다 to throw a bouquet
  • 부케를 받다 to receive a bouquet

After the ceremony, the picture time starts.
First, the bride and groom take pictures with their families and then with friends and acquaintances. Usually, the bride’s guests stand on the bride’s side, and the groom’s friends stand on the groom’s side.

In Korea, the next person to get married gets the bouquet.
It is decided in advance who gets it, and only that person comes out to receive it and takes a picture with it.

  • 피로연을 하다 to have the wedding reception
  • 식권을 내다 to hand in a meal coupon
  • 밥을 먹다 to eat the meal

You can use the meal voucher you received when you paid the congratulatory money to enter a restaurant inside the venue.

While guests are having a meal, the bride and groom walk around the restaurant thanking guests for coming.

When they approach you, you can congratulate them again.

How is it different from your country’s wedding ceremony traditions?
Please let me know in the comments!

