[Life in Korea] Grocery shopping at a Korean supermarket(장보기)

Seohee Kim
Story of Eggbun Education
Nov 16, 2023

Corner names at a supermarket

  • 양념 seasoning
  • 청과 fruits and vegetables
  • 과일 fruits
  • 야채 vegetables
  • 정육 meat
  • 수산 marine product
  • 냉동식품 frozen foods
  • 유제품 dairy product
  • 음료 beverage
  • 주류 alcohol
  • 가공식품 processed food
  • 생활용품 daily necessities

Asking and looking for items

  • Q: (name of the thing)은/는 어디에 있어요?
    Where is the (name of the thing)?
    A: (name of the corner) 코너에 있어요.
    It’s in the (name of the corner) corner.
  • Q: 식용유는 어디에 있어요?
    Where is the cooking oil?
    A: 양념 코너에 있어요.
    It’s in the seasoning corner.
  • Q: 얼음은 어디에 있어요?
    Where is the ice cube?
    A: 냉동 코너에 있어요.
    It’s in the frozen food corner.

