Leave doesn't mean not Love

Story from a daughter for her mom

Intan Dzikria
Story of Life


Hi Mom!

How’re you there in home? far away from here… thousand of miles apart us since two years ago, i guess…

I miss you mom. You know I always do and I know you miss me too

Mom.. I’m sorry I always like this since I was a child…

Since Dad brought in a Windows 98 to our home with a big white monitor and a pack of 3 1/2 floppy disk for his data storage, I felt like it’s my life.

I always tried to use that computer until the PC make a weird sound and made me scared that Dad will angry to me because he even also did not know what happen with it.

First thing that I knew about using a computer is how to play PacMan and use calculator. You know I’m not really good at math and you always hit my bottom when I had C in my math class, so I always tried to make a sneaky little secret movement to that computer and used the calculator to solve my math homework. I’m sorry for that, Mom…

Mom, you are a doctor and Dad is a business man. I knew you want me to be either a doctor or a business man like Dad. But, I’m afraid with corps. How can a doctor afraid with corps? I’m not afraid with blood. I just afraid someone could die in my hand. I have sisters and brother, so make them a doctor or accountant or anything else.

The Sims, that game, changes my life. Doesn't mean literally “change” but I knew computer is my world, since I first play that. You always angry when I played it till midnight, so the next day I would be late for school. You always shut down the computer so often when I played and made the computer crashed because you push the turn off button in the PC rather than do the shut down process from the monitor.

When you asked me which college I wanna go after my high school, I realized you want me to be a doctor. So, I said I’m not going to be a doctor. I saw a sadness in your face. Sorry, Mom… I just wanna be around computer and I will proved it to you that I can.

I’m sorry when I accepted in computer engineering department… I left you. I went to another city to have my college and I rarely called you. Not because I didn’t miss you. I miss you so much. But engineering life took my time with you. I tried to prove it to you that I can.

So, I joined competitions and student organizations.

When I won in national competitions, I saw bright smile on your face, finally… ☺

But that smile disappeared for a moment when I said I want to have my master degree in foreign country, even I got scholarship. I knew you didn’t think again about my ‘computer’ life… but you worried about me.

I’m so sorry once again, Mom… to make you worried like that. But I wanna see the world.. I wanna learn something that I can share with you and some day I will ask you to join me too…

Mom, I Love You.

Thank you for loving me endlessly…

Even I leave you for this moment, doesn't mean I don’t love you.



Intan Dzikria
Story of Life

Not an Ordinary Dreamer but Have a Simple and Beautiful Life