Taylor Crawford
Story Of The Week
Published in
1 min readMar 19, 2019


Spelling and Grammar Check

It is a quick, easy thing to do, but neglecting this step almost guarantees that a piece’s first impression will be amateurish at best, neglectful at worst. Also, having one more set of eyes on a piece before submitting is a good idea.

10 Minute Read Time

Story of the Week began as a short story publication and has stayed true to this vision. As such we have decided to keep read times to no more than 10 minutes. If you have a piece that is over the limit and you really want to put it up let us know! We’re more than happy to check it out and possibly make an exception.


We do not have genre limitations. We only ask that the piece be a short story, flash fiction, vignette, excerpt, or creative nonfiction. Otherwise just stay away from the obvious (i.e. torture porn, pro-racist, child pornography, etc.).

Sharing and Publicizing

By no means is this required! However sharing, publicizing, tweeting, and posting Story of the Week pieces that you feel deserve some attention is always appreciated, especially when the work is your own! In January 2019 an average of 70% of our views originated outside of Medium! This is our backbone and we can’t express how much the shares and attention mean to us!


Story of the Week does not pay its contributors or turn a profit on its own. We do encourage you to consider signing up for Medium’s Partner Program to potentially generate some income from your piece.




Taylor Crawford
Story Of The Week

Aspiring writer | Seasoned animal lover | Growing family man