The Story of Us

An introduction to a great novel

2 min readDec 11, 2013

We will be sitting at a restaurant to have brunch on a sunny saturday morning, and I am about to tell you this story. I will be very serious, and use every word carefully. Because this is going to be one of the most important moments in our lives.

The words I am about to say will sound crazy to you. But don’t jump to the conclusion until I finish the whole story. Let me start with this sentence: I knew for sure we are going to have this brunch and this conversation from the very first day we met each other.

I cannot really describe how excited I was on that day, but I literally had no sleep that night. The moment we met, the moment I saw your face and learnt your stories, I knew immediately you are the one I was looking for. I acted calm and kept chatting with you but inside I couldn’t help myself trembling. Because at that very moment I saw all those interaction that will happen between us, and things we will do together in the future. And they are just amazing. You are totally worth waiting for.

Does this sounds like I have some kind of super power of predicting the future? You must be wondering. If so, why didn’t I come and find you even earlier. No, my dear, I can’t. I cannot tell what is going to happen in the future unless I meet the person, which I call it “the clue”.

“The clue” act like a trigger which helps me to eventually figure out what will happen between me and that person. And it’s not super power at all. It is just a very very different way of perceiving the world and living our lives. And the most tricky part is, even given that I did know what is going to happen, I cannot change it. Because If I do, I then lost the ability of the seeing the future. It is a hard choice. And I choose to know the future, which means I would never act contrary to that future.

So how did I pick up this ability and how exactly do I do it? Well, it all starts with this novel called <Story of Your Life>.




A learner in Product, Entrepreneurship and Life. @ Mountain View