Stories Through Local Business: Quality Over Quantity

Sarah Brase
Story On
Published in
1 min readOct 2, 2016

We want to highlight the heart and inspiration behind local businesses so you can see the real people, vision, and drive behind local business owners.

Why does your business exist?

“Sunday Supply exists to help women find things they love, feel beautiful in, and feel confident in. We are about people and quality over quantity– the quality of relationships and the quality of customer service. It’s a space where others can come in and feel welcomed, whether they purchase things or not, and in some ways hopefully inspired when they leave.”

Amanda Hersh, owner of Sunday Supply Co.– Fort Collins, CO

Amanda has created an environment where each person is known and taken care of from the moment they walk through her door. Businesses like Sunday Supply that seek to see the person before profit find long-term success in customer-loyalty.

