Script review: Pumping Black by Haley Bartels

Jonathan Richardson
Story Prospects
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2024

Drugs, duplicity and cycling

At, our community of avid readers recently immersed themselves in “Pumping Black,” a gripping script by Haley Bartels that secured the 3rd spot on the 2022 Blacklist. This review captures the diverse perspectives that emerged during our discussion.

Our team of 100% human readers leave feedback and we discuss our findings each week but we use AI to help summarise and draft our thoughts and post here.

Movie poster for Pumping Black generated by Stable Diffusion

Script Overview: Pumping Black follows a desperate cyclist and his charismatic new team doctor as they concoct a dangerous training program to win the Tour de France. However, as the race progresses, jealous teammates, suspicious authorities, and the cyclist’s own paranoia close in, forcing them to take increasingly dark measures to protect his secret and lead.

Character Arcs and Dynamics: The script’s central character, Taylor, is an engaging protagonist whose downward spiral into moral compromise is vividly portrayed. Readers praised the gradual, well-paced decline that unfolds as Taylor’s hunger for success consumes him, leading to his tragic downfall. The dynamic between Taylor and his manipulative team doctor, Lathe, adds an intriguing layer of tension, though some felt Lathe’s motivations could have been explored further.

ReaderRhythm of reader engagement while reading Pumping Black

Thematic Depth and Moral Ambiguity: “Pumping Black” explores the dark allure of performance-enhancing drugs in professional sports, exploring the moral grey areas athletes might navigate in pursuit of victory. Taylor’s internal struggle with drug use and the ensuing paranoia create a palpable sense of tension that escalates as the story progresses. The script’s unflinching portrayal of ambition’s cost resonated strongly with readers.

Authenticity and Accuracy: While the cycling world is depicted with vivid, authentic detail — from the physical exertion to the panoramic race scenes — some technical inaccuracies were noted. References to outdated currency and questionable legal scenarios involving doping and Interpol disrupted the suspension of disbelief for some readers. However, the script’s overall immersive quality and strong dialogue helped maintain engagement.

Movie poster for Pumping Black generated by Stable Diffusion

Pacing and Structure: The pacing of “Pumping Black” was widely praised, with the story building suspense and tension effectively. However, some scenes, like Taylor’s early visit to a bike shop, were deemed unnecessary and could potentially be trimmed to maintain narrative momentum. The false high of Taylor’s initial success, followed by his descent into paranoia and distrust of Lathe, was a highlight for many readers.

Visual and Emotional Impact: The script’s visual storytelling is a strength, with vivid descriptions that transport readers into the high-stakes world of professional cycling. The final race stage, where Taylor’s visions of glory and horror intertwine, left a lasting impression on many. However, some felt the frequent depictions of blood and gore verged on repetitive, slightly diminishing their impact.

Marketability and Adaptation Potential: With cycling’s growing popularity and the ever-present temptation of performance-enhancing drugs, “Pumping Black” has strong commercial appeal. Readers could envision actors like Sam Claflin or James McAvoy as Taylor, with Valorie Curry as Lathe, and a score by composers like Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross elevating the intense, atmospheric tone.

Conclusion: “Pumping Black” is a tense, engaging script that offers a compelling exploration of ambition’s dark side. While certain elements could benefit from refinement, such as character motivations and technical accuracy, the script’s vivid storytelling and intense character arcs make it a standout read in the sports drama genre.

What did you think of Taylor’s journey? Did the moral ambiguity resonate, or did you find it too unsettling? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and visit to join our community of passionate readers and writers.



Jonathan Richardson
Story Prospects

User researcher and writer with an focus on the journalistic and anthropological approach