A half alive princess

Let’s spread love, aren’t they deserving of it?

Saumya Pal
Story Saturday
5 min readJun 15, 2024


Meet the most beautiful family in the fairyland: a dead princess and her prettiest friends on a majestic planet.

Maria with her friends — image from AI

The sweetest victory comes after the hardest battle. Similarly, Maria died saving her entire family. The world thinks she is no longer but the truth is she isn’t visible to anyone but these unicorns.

Introducing Maria

Maria, the princess — image from AI

Maria, the radiant princess of a mighty kingdom. She was the only child of the royal family and had no mates of her age to play with but she never complained about this. Though a little girl, she was always ready to lend a helping hand and make people happy. Maria had a soul of gold endowed with kindness, innocence, and love.

While she was playing with flowers and butterflies, she saw something enchanting. A graceful flowing mane, colorful hair, sparkling eyes, and a delightful appearance. A Unicorn with her baby.

A mother and baby unicorn — image from unsplash

She followed the two unicorns into the bushes, it looked more like a secret path, and entered into a heavenly place, a new world. Beautiful hills adorned with colorful flowers all around, a waterfall, the pinkish sky, and many unicorns running in a group. The view created a scene that enchanted her from the very first glimpse.

Upon seeing Maria, the unicorns paused, taking a hesitant step back. She took out a beautiful garland of flowers from her dress and offered it politely to the baby unicorn, whom she named Sparkle. It reluctantly came to her and Maria whirled the garland around her horn, smiled gracefully, gently tapped the unicorn’s back and returned to her palace.

Sparkle — image from pinterest

The next day, Maria went through the same secret route with a big basket full of fresh fruits. Sparkle ran to her. She gave him a soft hug and offered the basket of fruits. Soon, many unicorns advanced to the basket.

As years passed, spending time with unicorns became her everyday favorite activity. Maria shared an unbreakable bond with her friends and often flew in the sky with them. Having them, she was always happy and cheerful.

One thing she was very strict of ensuring the unicorns remained a secret. She was aware that this discovery could lead to their exploitation for greedy profits and trade, and she was determined to protect them from such a fate at any cost.

Maria was followed by a man — image from AI

One day, Maria was followed by a trader from her palace to the secret world. He spied on her all the time and was astonished to discover such a breathtaking place existed. He was mesmerized by the beauty of nature and the unicorns. His mind, filled with greediness and profits, immediately made a plan to fulfill his greedy demands by selling the unicorns.

He entered with some men the very next day to capture unicorns. This news of a secret heaven spread like wildfire in the kingdom. Hearing this, Maria rushed to the place as fast as she could with tears in her eyes, followed by the royal family and guards.

Maria running to her friends — image from pinterest

Maria saw that the unicorns were surrounded by men wielding bows and arrows, their frightened eyes brimming with tears. Upon noticing Maria rushing towards them, the unicorns let out hopeful squeals, believing she would rescue them.

Maria grabbed the trader by collar ordering him to leave these unicorns alone. He smirked at her and said —

I am sorry princess, I am the one to find this place. So, they belong to me. These unicorns will be more than enough to give me lifetime luxury

Despite her valiant efforts, Maria struggled to fight against the men, who attempted to seize and take her away. The king provoked upon witnessing Maria’s suffering, became outraged with the trader and rushed with his guards to arrest him.

A man pointing arrow towards Sparkle — image from AI

When Sparkle tried to run away, one of the men pointed his arrow and shot at him. Maria rushed to Sparkle, covered him, and stopped right in front of him. The arrow hit her straight in the chest; she froze and fainted. The unicorns went out of control and wailed. The king and the family rushed to Maria, crying and trying to encourage her not to give up.

Maria’s last words to her father were:

Take care of my unicorns…

Maria’s mother had not yet recovered from the shock of her daughter’s death. The king rose in fury and commanded that all the men and the trader be put to death by guillotine as punishment, in front of the nation’s people.

To honor Maria’s sacrifice and protect the sanctuary, the king proclaimed it a sacred place. Any harm to its inhabitants would be met with severe consequences.

Maria is still remembered for the sacrifice she made for animals. While everyone thinks Maria is dead, she is still alive for all the unicorns. Still cheerful and attractive as ever!

Maria lived with unicorns forever — image from pinterest

A humble request to the readers:

This story is not just to describe the relationship between Maria and the unicorns. The meaning is way deeper…

There are very few people on this planet like Maria who love nature and animals like family, but there are many many animals who are endangered and still killed because of our selfish reasons.

Every great achievement begins with humble beginnings. This is a request to every person reading this let’s be a little kinder and polite towards animals we see around us. Animals are living beings just like us and not a doll, they are supposed to live and enjoy!

Let’s make a big difference with small steps while spreading love.

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Saumya Pal
Story Saturday

I'm on a mission to help you slay self-improvement. ️ I usually talk about productivity, freelancing and self- motivation.