Everything has beauty

But we often lack the eyes to appreciate it.

Balqees Omer
Story Saturday
5 min readJun 15, 2024


beauty in small things — image from Pinterest

On a serene morning in the countryside, a soft mist hung over the fields, lending an ethereal quality to the world. The sun, just beginning to rise, cast a gentle golden glow across the landscape, illuminating dewdrops on every leaf and blade of grass. It was a perfect moment, one of those fleeting instances where the earth seemed to hold its breath in quiet reverence.

Luna stumbled out of her makeshift bedroom, a city girl grudgingly spending her summer vacation in the countryside with her relatives. She had resisted the trip, disliking the idea of leaving her bustling life and friends behind for what she assumed would be a boring countryside experience. She missed her routines, her favorite café, and the constant hum of city life.

Her mood was as gray as the morning mist as she walked along the cobblestone path to her aunt’s cottage. She barely noticed the ancient oak tree at the heart of the village or the birds chirping cheerfully in the branches above. Instead, she grumbled about how dull everything seemed.

One afternoon, after yet another tedious morning, Luna decided to explore the village out of sheer boredom. She borrowed her cousin’s bicycle and headed down a narrow path she hadn’t ventured down before.

Luna riding the bike — image from Pinterest

As she sped down the hill, the wind whipping through her hair, she felt a fleeting thrill — until she lost control and crashed into a patch of wildflowers.

Stunned and with a few scrapes, Luna lay there for a moment, catching her breath. As she slowly sat up, she noticed the vibrant colors of the flowers around her. They were stunning, more vivid than anything she had ever seen.

As she carefully picked herself up, Luna’s perspective began to shift. She walked her bike back to the village, her eyes now open to the subtle beauty around her. She noticed a spider’s web glistening with dew, each droplet a tiny prism reflecting the world. Observing the delicate balance of nature’s artistry, it amazed her how meticulously each strand was crafted. Her realization was that even the tiniest creatures are full of life.

Down by the brook, she encountered an elderly man named Arthur tending to his garden. His weathered hands gently cradled a tiny seedling, his face radiating a quiet joy.

Arthur in his garden — image from Freepik.

Luna paused to watch him work, struck by the tender care with which he nurtured each plant. “Good afternoon, Arthur,” she called out, her voice soft and warm. “Good afternoon, Luna,” Arthur replied with a smile, his eyes twinkling. “Isn’t it a beautiful day?”

“It truly is,” she agreed, her heart swelling with a newfound appreciation. She observed the flowers, each one unique in its color and form, each one a testament to life’s diversity and vibrancy. The simple act of gardening, she realized, was a profound expression of love and patience. Every petal and every leaf were alive, contributing to the tapestry of life.

Traveling further, Luna came to the outskirts of the settlement, where masses of wildflowers blossomed. The meadow was an example of nature’s unbridled creativity — a living painting. She sat among the blooms, breathing in their sweet fragrance and feeling a deep sense of peace and connection. The flowers swayed gently in the breeze, their colors vibrant and alive, each one a burst of joy and life.

In the distance, she spotted a small child, Nina, chasing butterflies with gleeful abandon. Her laughter rang out, pure and unrestrained, a melody of innocence and joy. Luna watched, entranced by the simplicity of the moment. Nina’s wonder at the world, her unfiltered delight, was a reminder of the beauty that exists in every heartbeat and every breath.

Nina chasing butterflies — image generated with AI by the author.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the village, Luna’s senses were drawn to the familiar, comforting scent of freshly baked bread wafting from her aunt’s bakery. The warm, yeasty aroma filled the air, mingling with the earthy scents of the village. She followed the scent to the cozy little shop, where her aunt was pulling golden loaves from the oven.

“Hello, Luna,” her aunt greeted her with a smile. “Would you like a fresh loaf?” “Yes, please,” Luna replied, her mouth watering. As she took the warm bread, she savored its texture and smell, realizing that even something as simple as baking held its own beauty and life. The bread, crafted with care and love, was a symbol of sustenance and comfort.

That night, as she sat by the window, the sky awash with stars, Luna felt a deep sense of gratitude. Beauty and life were not something to be sought after in grand gestures or distant places. They were here, all around, in the everyday. They were in the strength of an old tree, the fragility of a spider’s web, the care of a gardener, the riot of wildflowers, the laughter of a child, and the warm, comforting scent of freshly baked bread.

Luna watching the night sky with appreciation — image from Pinterest.

In seeing life in everything, Luna discovered a profound truth. Life, in all its simplicity and complexity, was a masterpiece. And in that realization, her spirit was renewed, fueled by the endless inspiration that surrounded her. From that day forward, Luna embraced her summer in the countryside, finding joy and wonder in the smallest details and carrying this newfound perspective with her wherever life took her.

Author’s Note:

Let me ask you a question: “When was the last time you took a moment to look up at the sky?”

In the hustle and bustle of our daily routines, we often forget to take a moment and perceive all the beautiful sensations. We often miss the mesmerizing sunsets, the blooming flowers, and the pure joy that nature offers.

This short story is a reminder to slow down and be mindful of these beautiful moments. One day, you’ll realize that these little things were, in fact, the big things that truly mattered.

This is the final story for the writing contest:

This was indeed a beautiful journey full of lessons. I really enjoyed every bit of it. Thank you to everyone who engaged with my stories and shared their feedback. A special thanks to Mil Hoornaert and Story Saturday for giving me the opportunity to share my stories in this amazing space.🤍



Balqees Omer
Story Saturday

Hello, beautiful soul. I open this account to share with you my thoughts, readings and my humble experience in this life. Let’s grow together