GOD gave me a cake but I was too dumb to accept…

You’ll never look at your life the same way after this

Saumya Pal
Story Saturday
3 min readMar 23, 2024



I was six when my parents told me that God can fulfill anything we ask for. If we have true faith, he denies nothing..

me praying to god for a cake ~ generated with AI by author

I went straight to God’s image in front of the big window with my eyes lit up. I was desperate to ask for so many gifts for me, my mom-dad, and my friends.

I asked God to give me a chocolate cake. He said… “ OKAY!

He gave me a gleaming mixing bowl, an electric mixer, an oven, a handful of fresh eggs, creamy milk, and even a hefty bag of snow-white flour.

I was like — WHAT THE HECK! Very desperately I said —

God, I asked you for a cake and you gave me so many things which I didn’t even ask for, but not the cake.

God replied very politely looking at the innocence of a kid-

Yes, I gave you everything you would require. You can now make a cake.

That day, it hit me hard: sometimes, when we pour our hearts out to God, hoping for an answer, and nothing seems to come, it can leave us feeling deeply disappointed and lost.

Maybe God wanted me to figure out things for myself…


me remembering my childhood incident ~ generated with AI by author

Now, when I look back on those days, I realize so many things when we ask God to give us, he doesn’t give it to us the way we expect him to give.

God wants us to learn things and get stronger in life, instead, we often treat him like he is the genie.

God give me a house, a teddy bear, make me rich… and so on.

Sometimes, we’re so distracted by focusing on the thing that we don’t have that we miss what we do have!

Let’s not expect things to happen on its own and take action to achieve the things we want in life without neglecting the resources we already have.

Remember, we always have god’s hand on us. If one way closes, he opens the other way. All we have to do is take action without being lazy or expecting things will happen on its own.

God’s blessings are always there for us ~ generated with AI by author

At the end, clap if you like the story.👏

Let me know if it brings about a different perspective of thinking in comments. 😊



Saumya Pal
Story Saturday

I'm on a mission to help you slay self-improvement. ️ I usually talk about productivity, freelancing and self- motivation.