Hero of My Life: My Mom

This is a story about my mom.

Embrace Realities
Story Saturday
3 min readJun 2, 2024


Photo by Xavier Mouton Photographie on Unsplash

My mother goes to work every single day. She has been working for many years without a break all 365 days in a year. Her routine starts at 6 AM: she wakes up, cooks, prepares tiffins, goes to work, works tirelessly at the company, then comes home and handles all the evening chores. She prepares dinner, washes the dishes and finally collapses into bed at night.

My mom is an all-rounder. She manages everything—finances, expenses, our college fees. She buys us everything we need and want, and fulfills everyone's wishes.

I don't know how many years she has been living like this. I don't remember the last time she did something for herself, felt carefree, took a break, or slept peacefully. Maybe she never did.

I've been so selfish in my life that I forgot to look at her, to recognize that she too is a human being with dreams, desires, and the right to feel tired.

Why have we forgotten that she needs rest?

Why do we often see our parents as burdens?

Why do we think they exist solely to pamper and guide us, not to live their own lives?

Why do we feel they are selfish when they choose to live for themselves?

Who gave us the right to make decisions for their lives?

When did we grow up so much that we started telling them what to do, forgetting the hard work they put in behind the scenes to make us who we are today?

Why have we forgotten that they deserve respect, love, and care?

But I realise it now. Just because she was always there for me, working silently behind the scenes and giving me everything, I started taking her for granted. I am really sorry for everything, Mom.

I know we are so busy in life that we forget to ask, “How are you? What do you want mom? How is your health mom?”

I never spend time with you. I am busy chatting with friends, building my brand, making my future, comparing myself with others, studying, sleeping, and eating. I am so busy that I forgot that despite doing double the work I do, you still take five minutes to ask me how I am doing, how my day was and why I might be sad.

You have given your whole life to me. I don’t know how many times I need to say sorry for my actions, Mom. For not giving you time, for ignoring your advice, and sometimes for speaking loudly to you. I know now that no one in the world will love me like my parents do and I recently learned this lesson, one I will never forget. It’s your love and care that heals me.

You are a gem, Mom, one I never saw because I was blinded by so many things.

What I want to convey is this: you may think your mom will always be there, but you are wrong. Just look at her once, see her medical reports, and you will realize a lot. Take care of her when she is in a good state. Don't just say you love her on Mother's Day. Prove your love through your actions. Millions of people just say, "I love you"; it's only a few who actually take care and show their love.

Thank you, Mom. I promise to try not to repeat my mistakes.



Embrace Realities
Story Saturday

Life is not about living in the fantasy world but building your kingdom.