How I’ve met my first Girlfriend

Story Saturday
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2024

Pls don’t make the same mistake

Let’s go back to July 2018.

I was 16 years old.

Me and my friends back then, we were already smoking weed on a daily basis.

Whenever we’ve met, the only intention was to get high and make music.

One day in April 2018, I went to my best friends house.

I rang the bell, and a cute little girl opened up the door for me.

I fell in love in an instance.

It was my best friend’s sister.

I went up to my friends room, and the only thing I could think about was her.

About an hour later, she brought us pizza.

I thought to myself:

“ How can a girl be so beautiful and kind?”

More hours past and it was roundabout 11 PM, when my best friends parents noticed the smell of weed.

They kicked all of us out, I had to call my father so he would pick me up.

Nothing bothered me, the only thing I could think of was his sister.

Once I got home, I received a friend request on Snapchat.

It was my best friend sister.

I accepted and she instantly texted me that she feels so sorry for me being kicked out.

We kept texting more and more from this day on, and after two weeks, we’ve marriage each other on a party.

Luckily, her brother wasn’t there.

We both got drunk and later that night, I went outside with her and kissed her.

We were mad in love.

And I felt so bad.

I knew it was wrong to get into a relationship with your best friend’s sister.

But there was no way of me, neglecting my feelings.

I invited her over to my town.

And that night she slept at my place.

But because I felt so guilty towards her brother, I didn’t take her inside.

We slept in the garden.

It didn’t took me long until I’ve told her brother about us.

You can guess his reaction.

He started hating me.

I lost my best friend, but got my first girlfriend.

We have had a relationship for 3 1/2 years.

She was the reason why I have quit my addictions in September 2021.

Without her, I am 100% sure that I would be dead by now.

You can read more about my story here:

Anyways, I broke up with her in September 2022.

The year with me and my addictions damaged her.

Our relationship got worse and worse, even though our love, got stronger and stronger.

It does sound paradox, but there was no other option for us.

It is my fault.

If you can, avoid falling in love with your best friend sister.

It will just complicate things, and people will get hurt.

Please don’t take drugs.

Please don’t fuck up your life.

Thank you for reading




Story Saturday

I will be the most famous Ex Addict known to mankind. Writing all about Self Improvement and Money Making.