Isn’t she beautiful?

Do we really match the beauty standards of society…

Saumya Pal
Story Saturday
4 min readJun 2, 2024


Beauty standards of society make us feel insecure — image by reddit

Every 7 out of 10 people are insecure about their physical features and appearance. This was the result of a small survey my friends and I conducted to get to know the people around us. And trust me, as soon as I realized this, it didn’t take me a moment to get on my laptop and tell you guys a beautiful story I read in a novel, to help you embrace yourself no matter what.

This is the family of supermodels. They all look perfect — radiant smile, flawless complexion, captivating eyes, sculpted features, elegant posture and striking presence.

Arabella’s childhood pic — image from instagram

The daughter of the family is Arabella. She was destined to become the greatest of all time models. Since childhood, she has been winning beauty pageants and been at the top cover of multiple magazines.

Everyone saw the spark in her eyes to achieve something no one has ever achieved in her family bloodline. She worked hard everyday to maintain her body and took regular spas appointments for her healthy skin and hair.

By 18, she had a good portfolio to move to other countries for presenting herself on the carpets. Irrespective of her young age, she rocked on international stages. She was on the covers of magazines, TV channels, and all over social media.

skin condition, vitiligo — image by AI

When she was 19, she woke up to see that it was nearly her worst nightmare. She discovered white patches all over hand. She hesitated, her heart skipped thousands beats, she rushed to her mother. Unluckily, she did not feel stressed about this. She said -

I have been here too, honey. Some chemicals in the makeup products must have reacted with your skin since you’ve been having many events lately.

Her mother’s words eased her anxiety, though not for long. As days passed, she noticed those white patches grew all over her waist, hands, and covered some parts of her face as well. They rushed to the U.S. and got appointments with the top dermatologists. It was when they discovered Arabella suffered with a rare skin condition — Vitiligo.

Vitiligo spread all over Arabella’s body — image by pinterest

Things took a wild turn after paparazzi spotted Arabella and her mother in the U.S. airport. Now what? In a moment, she was all over the TV shows and newspapers with the headline- “Arabella’s family has been hiding the dark secret about her skin”

She locked herself in her room for months, hardly spoke to anyone, blocked her socials, broke her phone because of phone calls every single second. Her mother tried to talk to her but she wasn’t ready to unlock her door.

Days passed, it was one of the biggest events in the history of Hollywood carpets. Her mother called from the other side of the door, letting her know she was going to the event. Little did she know about the surprise her daughter had planned.

Hollywood beauty peagant — image by pinterest

As soon as the event started, models from all around the world walked elegantly on the carpet, each one exuding grace and confidence. It was a tough competition, though.

Then something happened, no one in this world ever expected. Arabella appeared on the stage without any makeup embracing her skin condition, walking graciously with sparking confidence at every step.

The entire event lit up with her elegance, beautiful smile, and confident stride. The crowd went wild with Arabella’s shocking comeback. She turned her rare condition, vitiligo which everyone considered ugly into her superpower.

Arabella’s gracious smile and confidence — image by AI

Guess what? Since then, she never looked back and has always thrived. In fact, she advanced in her career more than ever, even surpassing her achievements before her skin condition.

She is seen in many interviews, reality shows, TEDx talks, magazines and book covers embracing vitiligo and encouraging the people all around to love themselves.

Vitiligo infected — image from pinterest

Do you think her journey was easy? She received many hate comments at the time she was undercover.

Did she let her condition put herself down? Absolutely not. It’s her superpower. It’s why she’s known worldwide.

Finally, do you think she is ugly?

If you’re blessed with the resources and a proper functioning body. It’s you who decides if you’re beautiful or not. It’s you who will shine embracing your insecurities and feeling confident about yourself.

No one in this world has ever become so successful without the confidence they wear.

Now, do you think you’re beautiful?

Women embracing her skin — image from AI



Saumya Pal
Story Saturday

I'm on a mission to help you slay self-improvement. ️ I usually talk about productivity, freelancing and self- motivation.