Last Resort

A journey beyond despair

Story Saturday
3 min readJun 25, 2024


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Content Warning: This story addresses themes of suicide and death. Reader discretion is advised.

Dolores had lost count of the number of times he’d tried to end his life.

Each attempt had been meticulously planned—ropes tied, pills counted, bridges scoped out—but every time, at the final moment, something inside him hesitated, a primal survival instinct that refused to let go.

One dreary evening, lost in the depths of the internet, Dolores stumbled upon a video discussing obscure dark websites.

Amidst the sea of the morbid websites, one stood out—Last Resort. It claimed to provide a service for those who couldn’t bring themselves to complete the act of suicide.

Intrigued yet skeptical, Dolores clicked the link. The website was stark and clinical, its interface designed to be both reassuring and unsettling.

After navigating through layers of security and disclaimers, Dolores found himself faced with customization options for his death.

It was surreal—choosing the method, feeling like even the final moments of his existence felt like ordering from a restaurant menu.

With a resigned heart, Dolores selected a peaceful death in his sleep, scheduled for February 14th.

After filling in personal details and confirming payment, he shut down the computer, feeling an odd mixture of relief and dread.

In the days leading up to Valentine’s Day, Dolores went through the motions of life, detached and numb.

Unexpectedly, he met Lumi—a ray of light in his bleak existence. She was vibrant, with a smile that seemed to reach into his soul.

When she asked him out on a date, Dolores found himself saying yes, unsure of why he was even bothering.

Their date was simple yet profound. Over dinner and a walk under the starlit sky, they shared stories and dreams.

Dolores felt a flicker of something he hadn’t felt in years—a sense of connection, of being understood.

As February 14th loomed closer, Dolores grew desperate. He tried to cancel his appointment with Last Resort, but the website’s terms were final—no refunds, no changes.

Panic set in, but Lumi remained by his side, oblivious to his inner turmoil.

On the night of February 13th, Dolores devised a plan. He suggested a late-night picnic by the lake, hoping to stay awake until the dawn broke on the 15th.

Lumi agreed, bringing two bottles of wine—one for each of them.

Under the moonlit sky, they laughed and talked, their conversation weaving through lighthearted banter to deeper reflections on life and its uncertainties

As the hours slipped away and exhaustion set in, Dolores felt a strange peace settle over him.

Perhaps it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the realization that he wasn’t alone anymore.

They lay down side by side, watching the stars, until sleep finally claimed them.

But for Dolores, sleep brought eternal peace. Unbeknownst to him, his wine had been laced with a deadly poison.

Lumi, watching him slip away, calmly dialed a number on her phone— the mission was complete.

As the clock struck 11:59 PM, Lumi’s phone displayed the contact “Last Resort”.

“Death is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."

Author’s Note

In "Last Resort" the characters' names hold symbolic meaning reflective of their roles in the narrative.

Dolores, derived from Spanish meaning "sorrow" embodies the protagonist’s deep despair and struggle with suicidal thoughts.

Lumi, meaning "light" represents her role as hope and light for Dolores' darkness.

This story is inspired by a poignant quote that I saw somewhere that talks about the show "Oshi No Ko" where a character attempted suicide due to backlash on social media.

I wrote a narrative that challenges the idea of suicide as a solution, highlighting the irreversible consequences.

It delves into themes of empathy, redemption, and the depths of emotional turmoil, urging reflection on the fragility of life and the power of compassion.

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Story Saturday

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