Let’s Find the Hannah in All of Us

A tale of faith, courage, dedication and timing

Story Saturday
4 min readJun 30, 2024


Image generation | Author

In life, seasons of waiting are inevitable — waiting for answers, for breakthroughs, for miracles, and for opportunities.

These times can be particularly challenging. We all go through those moments when we feel stuck, when time seems to stand still, and when the answers we so desperately seek seem far out of reach.

But what does it truly mean to wait, and how can we navigate these challenging seasons with grace and faith? To understand this, let’s explore the story of a woman named Hannah. Her tale, found in the first book of Samuel, is a poignant example of someone who faced an extended period of waiting.

Her husband deeply loved Hannah, but deep personal pain — not external enemies — tormented her. She was unable to bear children. This was a source of great shame and ridicule in her culture. To compound her misery further, she had to endure the mockery of her husband’s other wife, Panina, who had children of her own.

Hannah yearned for a child, not just because of societal expectations or ridicule, but because of her sincere desire to experience motherhood. Her longing was so intense and profound that it led her to the sanctuary, the house of God. She then poured her heart out in prayer.

Her words were filled with raw emotion and desperation. She pleaded with the Lord, “If you indeed remember me, your beloved servant, please give me a son. I promise that I will dedicate my child to your service, my Lord.”

A woman and her baby
Photo by Oleg Sergeichik on Unsplash

Hannah didn’t demand immediate results. She didn’t seek shortcuts; instead, she surrendered her desires to God’s timing. She placed her trust in his sovereignty, supreme authority, and power. This is a profound lesson for all of us waiting on the Lord, which involves surrendering our desires and timelines to His perfect will.

It’s about acknowledging that His plans for us are greater than our own. Despite her pain, Hannah turned to the Lord in prayer, demonstrating her faith. The Lord not only heard Hannah’s prayers but also answered them.

She gave birth to a son, Samuel, a gift from the Lord. True to her vow, she dedicated Samuel to the Lord, entrusting him to Eli the priest’s care. This act of faithfulness was not only a fulfillment of her vow but also an affirmation of her trust in God’s promises. This helped Hannah to understand and realize the true purpose of life.

Hannah’s story is a powerful testament to the beauty found in surrendering our desires to God’s perfect timing.

It reminds us that God is faithful to fulfill His promises, and He honors those who wait patiently upon Him. Hannah’s story is not just a tale of a woman’s faith and patience. It’s a lesson for us all. It teaches us to trust in God’s sovereignty, to surrender our desires and timelines to his perfect will, and to wait patiently for the perfect timing.

Two verses come to my mind that beautifully express this sentiment well. First, we have Isaiah 40:31, a verse that paints a vivid picture of renewed strength and resilience. It says, “Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

An eagle soaring high in the blue sky
Image credit | freepik

Waiting on the Lord isn’t about idol passivity; it’s about gathering strength and soaring to new heights with the wings of eagles. It’s about running tirelessly and walking without faltering.

Next, we turn to Psalm 27:14, where we find a stirring call to patience and courage. “Wait for the LORD; be strong and courageous. Wait for the LORD.” This verse invites us to wear our waiting badge of strength and let our hearts take courage in the midst of uncertainty.

We may face situations that seem incomprehensible; we may find ourselves waiting for answers, breakthroughs, or miracles; however, remember about Hannah, her faith, her patience, and her dedication. You will certainly see some light at the end of the tunnel.

A short note from author
This story represents the importance of patience, perseverance, self-belief, timing, and faith. We all in our lives have experienced many incidents where we ignore those great qualities partially or completely. We often feel impatient and low with temporary and small set-backs. However, it is need of the hour that we keep on learning and improve ourselves each and everyday.

Thanks Mil and the whole vibrant writing family. I enjoyed writing this piece. Hope you all enjoy reading it.



Story Saturday

🍏🍉|| Happy-go-lucky learner | Reader | Friend | Fiction/non-fiction writer | Motivator | Late bloomer | Healer ||🌼🌷