Never dim your light for anyone…

because the world needs your light.

Balqees Omer
Story Saturday
4 min readJun 1, 2024


It was the beginning of senior year, and Athena was sitting in her favorite spot under the large oak tree in the schoolyard, reading a book on advanced physics. The air was crisp, and the leaves were starting to turn vibrant shades of red and gold.

Athena was a really smart girl in high school, known for her brilliance and knack for solving the toughest problems, whether it was a complex math equation or a challenging literary analysis.

Athena — image generated with AI by the author.

However, whenever the teacher asked a question, Athena hesitated, worrying that answering too often might alienate her classmates. She feared they might think she was trying to outshine them, making them feel uncomfortable. As a result, Athena would often remain silent, allowing her classmates to think they had solved the question. This eventually led her to develop a sense of anxiety and insecurity, which prevented her from speaking up in class.

The next day, a new student named Leo joined her history class. He was confident, outspoken, and unafraid to display his intelligence.

Leo — Image generated with AI by the author.

He answered questions without hesitation and often engaged the teacher in deep discussions. Athena noticed how, instead of resenting him, their classmates seemed intrigued and inspired by his confidence.

During lunch, Leo approached Athena. “Hey, I noticed you’re really smart in class. Why don’t you speak up more?”

Athena shrugged, looking down at her lunch. “I don’t want to make others feel uncomfortable or think I’m showing off.”

Leo raised an eyebrow. “But by not speaking up, you’re holding yourself back. You’re not being true to who you are. Besides, you might be helping others by sharing your knowledge.”

Athena pondered his words. That evening, she reflected on the times she had known the answer but stayed silent and how those moments could have been opportunities to learn and grow together with her classmates.

The next day in chemistry class, the teacher asked a challenging question about the periodic table. Athena knew the answer immediately but hesitated as usual. She glanced at Leo, who gave her an encouraging nod. Taking a deep breath, Athena raised her hand and answered the question.

The teacher smiled, impressed. “Excellent, Athena! That’s exactly right.”

The teacher is smiling, impressed with Athena’s answer — image from Freepik.

To her surprise, her classmates didn’t seem upset. In fact, a few even turned to her with expressions of appreciation. After class, two girls named Mia and Jenny approached her and said, ”Thanks for answering that question. We’ve been struggling with this topic, and your explanation really helped.”

Athena felt a warmth spread through her. Leo was right. By holding back, she wasn’t just dimming her light; she was also missing out on the chance to help others.

Over the next few weeks, Athena started participating more in class. She answered questions, joined discussions, and even helped organize study groups. Her classmates began to see her not as someone trying to outshine them but as a valuable resource and a friend.

Her friendship with Leo evolved naturally; they became study partners and confidants, pushing each other to excel and embrace their true selves.

As the weekend arrived, Athena was still reflecting on what happened the past few weeks as she was lying on her bed.

Athena reflecting on the past few weeks — image from Freepik.

Then, she grabbed her diary and began to write down: “Reminder for Athena: I used to dim my light to make others comfortable, but I learned that our unique gifts and talents are meant to shine brightly. When we embrace who we truly are, we not only elevate ourselves but also inspire those around us. Never be afraid to be your authentic self, because the world needs your light.”



Balqees Omer
Story Saturday

Hello, beautiful soul. I open this account to share with you my thoughts, readings and my humble experience in this life. Let’s grow together