Of Course, The Pumpkin Has an Owner!

A Dervish Story

Mystic Heart
Story Saturday


Photo by Carlos Felipe Ramírez Mesa on Unsplash

I always like old stories, especially the ones of dervishes containing experience, wisdom, and many lessons to be learned.

I think that even though many years and even centuries have passed, such stories still preserve their value because people today are almost alike to people in these stories. Maybe just their appearances are different.

Therefore, now, I want to share a dervish story with you.

It is one of the stories that affected me the most.

Let’s start…

Once upon a time, a dervish comes to the end of the state of fighting against the ego.

Following his understanding of dervishism, from now on he will be purified from all kinds of ornaments and ostentations and he will give up any possessions.

But it’s not just about wearing a patched cardigan. It is also necessary to remove any visible ornaments: hair, beard, mustache, eyebrows, everything.

The dervish acts in accordance with the procedure and goes to the barbershop.

Photo by YearOne on Unsplash

“Shave with the razor, barber!”

He says.

The barber starts to shave the dervish’s head.

The dervish watches himself in the mirror. The right side of his head is completely shaved.

Just as the barber is about to shave with the razor on the other side of his head, a burly and boisterous bully walks in.

He goes straight to the dervish, slaps him hard on the shaved part of his head, and roars:

“Get up, pumpkin!
Get up!
So we can get our shave.”

Photo by svklimkin on Unsplash

This is dervishism… It is necessary to be silent towards the one who insults and to be without hands towards the one who strikes.

The dervish does not break this rule.

He doesn’t say anything, and he gets up slowly.

The barber is astonished but afraid. He can’t make a sound, as well.

The bully sits on the chair, and the barber starts shaving him.

Photo by Apothecary 87 on Unsplash

But the arrogant bully constantly insults and mocks the dervish while shaving:

“Pumpkin down, pumpkin up.”

Finally, the shaving is finished, and the bully leaves the shop.

He has only walked a few meters, when a horse-drawn cart, disconnected from the horse, comes down the slope towards him with an incredible speed…

Photo by Stephen Hui on Unsplash

The bully stands in the middle of the road, stunned…

Suddenly, the cart hits him. He collapses right there…

He is dead.

Photo by Houcine Ncib on Unsplash

Those who see this scream.

The barber, bewildered, looks at the scene and then at the dervish, and involuntarily asks:

“Wasn’t that a bit heavy, dervish?”

The dervish answers sadly and thoughtfully:

“I swear I didn’t take offense to him.

Even, I had forgiven him.

But, you see, this pumpkin has an owner, too.

He must have taken offense!”

The Morals of the Story:

  1. Everyone will reap what they sow. And, from the perspective of spiritualists, either in this lifetime or in the next lifetime(s).
  2. In the universe, no event is without a cause.
  3. Always treat others with kindness and respect, and never judge a book by its cover.


Created by the Author using Unsplash

With Love🙏🏻



Mystic Heart
Story Saturday

I share the words, thoughts and excerpts of the books of some wise people who enlightened my path of life. I hope what I share will enlighten your path too.🙏🏻