The Atlantis Haven

A fun underwater world story to make your day

Saumya Pal
Story Saturday
5 min readMay 25, 2024


Atlantis Haven, a beautiful underwater nation- image by AI

Welcome to the magical kingdom of Atlantis Haven, ruled by the wealthiest king on the planet. What makes this kingdom special is that it’s a beautiful underwater nation, hidden and unknown to the rest of the world. The people here look like lovely mermaids. The entire country looks magical with cheerful creatures merrymaking all around.

Once, there was a special occasion. The castle was decorated more beautifully than it had been in ages. The mighty emperor was blessed with twin baby boys — Adam and Ariel. Angels descended from heaven to bless the children with happiness.

However, not everyone was happy. An old woman, looking shabby and tired, was denied entry into the castle by the guards. She protested, but they ignored her.

the angel who cursed the royalty — image by pinterest

Having lost her patience, she revealed herself to be an angel and cursed the king.

“Since I have been insulted because of my appearance, your children will live poverty-stricken lives despite your wealth.”

The king begged for forgiveness, but she did not listen.

As time passed, the king grew weak. He had to decide which of his sons, Adam or Ariel, was truthful, courageous, and worthy to protect the kingdom and care for the people.

The king knew the curse was unavoidable. So, he sent the boys to live in poverty on land. He believed the wisest would find a way to thrive despite starting from nothing.

The next day, Adam and Ariel woke up in a poor household, each at opposite ends of the same island, unaware of each other’s presence. To their surprise, they no longer had mermaid tails but legs. They were traumatized for the first few days but soon accepted their situation.

Adam tired of his poor life — image by leonardo AI

They lived in slum areas and worked hard just to afford food twice a day. Their new parents treated them more like servants. At school, they were treated like outcasts because of their ragged clothes, ripped shoes, and dusty faces.

Adam and Ariel endured this tough life for years. They did all the household chores, managed a small vegetable stall, and studied in their spare time. They reminisced their royal life, their parents, their castle, and playing in the water every single day.

Finally, years later, the day arrived to determine who was worthy of the throne of Atlantis Haven.

Who deserves the crown — Adam or Ariel? image by pinterest

Although they lived in the same island, with the same circumstances, and worked equally hard, Ariel was happier, more graceful, and more successful than Adam.

Surprising, right?

It was all about mindset.

Over the years, Ariel became successful in his career, grew strong, helped his community against pirate attacks, and changed his parents’ attitude towards him, proving he deserved their love. Meanwhile, Adam’s life remained the same.

The next day, after 17 years, they both woke up in Atlantis Haven. A huge crowd of commoners and royalty gathered at the palace to welcome the princes. They were unrecognizable at first.

When asked about their experiences and reasons for their success or failure, everyone was stunned by their words.

dam explaining how his life had been these 17 years — image by AI

Adam complained about his horrible life over the past 17 years, how he received no love, no support, not even proper food, and always felt marginalized because of poverty. He saw only his misfortune, the unfairness of it all. People felt pity for him, but not until Ariel spoke.

Ariel shared the same reasons but with a different perspective. He said his tough circumstances made him stronger. The more his second parents hated him at first, the more he tried to please them with good deeds. People outcasted him initially, but he worked on himself to win their support and saved them multiple times from pirate attacks.

He worked hard in his studies and became a highly educated lawyer. His parents, who used to sell vegetables, now own a grocery store.

The crowd went wild, some cried, and some leaped with joy. The king proudly placed the crown on Ariel’s head.

Ariel smiling at the angel — image by limewire AI

Ariel noticed a lady standing alone in the corner and smiled at her. She was the one who had cursed him years ago. He believed she was the reason he had become a strong and loving person.

You see, it’s all about mindset. Ariel started his new journey from the slums and went all the way to greatness.

You can either cry about how terrible your life is, or you can accept reality and constantly try to become the best version of yourself. The world looks bright when you’re full of positivity, no matter your circumstances.

Ariel — the powerful king of Atlantis Haven

If you’re reading this, this is the message I want to share with you.

You have enough resources to do anything you want. Great things never happen on their own. Positivity is underrated when it comes to success. Yes, hard work, consistency, and discipline are required, but being positive all this while is what will take you all the way to what you truly deserve.

Hope you had fun and see the world from a different perspective after this read!



Saumya Pal
Story Saturday

I'm on a mission to help you slay self-improvement. ️ I usually talk about productivity, freelancing and self- motivation.