Through kindness, we are possible.

I’ll never forget this moment.

Balqees Omer
Story Saturday
3 min readMay 24, 2024


kindness- image from freepik
kindness-image from

It was a typical day after college, and I was exhausted from a long day of lectures and studying. As I walked home, I was mentally going over the assignments and projects that awaited me.

Just when I thought the day couldn’t get any more mundane, something extraordinary happened that would change my perspective forever.

While I was observing the streets, everyone was busy and lost in their own world, hurrying to their destinations. I noticed an old woman fumbling with multiple large grocery bags as I glanced up at the corner.

She was carrying items that seemed far too heavy for her little frame, and she was bent down, visibly uncomfortable.

The old women fumbling with grocery bags — generated with AI by author

I approached her without hesitation, and I asked her if I could lend her a hand with these bags. Her eyes lit up with relief, and she nodded gratefully.

As I took hold of the bags, the weight and shape of each item pressed against my palms, leaving a tingling sensation as I adjusted my grip to help her. She gave me a warm smile, her wrinkles deepening, and I could see the gratitude in her eyes. “My house is just a block away from here,” she said.

She began to tell me stories of her life and experiences. She had a twinkle in her eyes as she reminisced about the adventures she had gone on when she was young. Despite her age, her spirit was contagious, and I found myself captivated by her tales.

In that moment, my own worries and stresses seemed to fade into the background as I listened intently to this wise stranger who had momentarily entered my world.

Eventually, we reached her house. It was a small house with a well-tended garden full of blooming flowers.

The old women's house- image from

Though she insisted I come inside for a drink of water, I politely refused, knowing that I had chores to do and studies to complete.

As I set the bags down in her kitchen, she started thanking me and praying for me: “May Allah bless you in everything you do in this life.”

I felt a warmth spread through me, melting away the aches in my arms and the fatigue from my long day. As I walked home, her blessings echoed in my mind, filling me with a sense of peace and fulfillment that I hadn’t felt in a long time.

My experience helping that elderly woman taught me that kindness ripples outward. Kindness touches lives and encourages a chain of goodwill that lasts well beyond the first act.

Despite the temporary pain in my hands, I received a lasting feeling of warmth and gratitude in return.

Each time I remember that moment, it feels like a reminder of the connection we shared, a bond forged through a simple act of kindness. This experience showed me that, through kindness, we are indeed possible. We can create a world filled with compassion and understanding, one small act at a time.

Be kind-image from Pinterest



Balqees Omer
Story Saturday

Hello, beautiful soul. I open this account to share with you my thoughts, readings and my humble experience in this life. Let’s grow together