Story Saturday

Tough Turtle

The Story of a Turtle Who Wants to Follow His Own Path

Alexander Debruyne
Story Saturday


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I woke up in an annoyed mood. Last evening I wasn’t allowed to swim in the sea because there were “too many waves.” But I guess that’s the safest for me, right? I always wondered what’s out there, who you could meet, or what you could see.

Anyway, I got up and woke up my dad, mom, and brother and asked if I could go to the east side of the island to see the sunrise. But, of course, they said no. “You should help us, not waste your time somewhere dangerous.” was a response I got a lot when asking if I could go somewhere.

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But I had enough of it, always getting commands on what I should do. I want to make my own decisions and decide what I want to do. So I did it. I swam out into the sea and went as far as I could.

Once outside the reef, there was no turning back, so I committed with no hesitation. I saw a lot of beautiful things, like new fish, that I never expected to see. They had all kinds of colors; some were blue, while others were purple or even orange.

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A while later, the sea felt cold and the current was stronger, but it didn’t stop me. But eventually I had to rest, so I settled on a small island. While looking at the sunset, I felt something, something that I’d never felt before. I missed my family. No, that couldn’t be. I’m better off right now without them, right?

I let the thought go and tried to sleep, but I couldn’t get over the idea that my family didn’t know where I was, and it just didn’t feel comfortable with me. I felt that my little adventure was over and I should return.

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The trip felt like an eternity, but I enjoyed it, it made me relive the memories of my adventure. When I arrived, everyone was sleeping, and I just sat next to them until I heard my mom say, “Where were you today?” and I just answered, “Today I made my own decisions.”

The moral of the story

I think the main moral of the story is clear to most of you, but did you notice the other ones? I had three “life lessons” in this story.

Walk your own path. Don’t let other people influence your decisions.

This was the most obvious one, and I think it’s also the most important one. You read in the story that the turtle wasn’t happy because he couldn’t make his own decisions. This also applies to life. When you can’t or don’t make your own decisions, you will never be happy.

Take action don’t hesitate when you should take action.

This was a little more subtle one. If you noticed this one, well done! You can fantasize about everything you want, but only by taking action will you actually achieve what you dream of.

If you want to know how to achieve your goals:

Good things don’t come easy.

As the last lesson in this story, I want to talk about the importance of knowing that good things don’t come easy. When you want to achieve something, you will need to put effort into it and make sacrifices. But you need to know when these sacrifices are too much. Just like the turtle did, he knew that sacrificing his family for an adventurous life wasn’t worth it, so he returned.

Thanks for reading my story.

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Have a nice day and stay positive! 🤗



Alexander Debruyne
Story Saturday

Just a young guy trying to spread advice and positivity