Truly great ones are often humble.

And the pompous tend to be overrated.

Enantios Dromos
Story Saturday
5 min readMay 11, 2024


Once upon a time there was a grand wizard who went by the name Lyviathan Levosom. He lived in a grand palace, and dressed in the finest garments. Rode in the finest carriage and had many servants who greeted him with a humble bow always.

A pompous golden wizard, image generated with AI

Wherever he came he liked to exclaim his grandness.

What else could be the reason of my fortune and wealth, if not my fine character? My discipline? My relentless hard working attitude. My endless study and hence limitless knowledge? Said he, wherever he came.

One day he passed through a poor village. The poor villagers gathered around him, in awe of his shining golden clothing. O mighty wizard, tell us, what is your secret? How have you gathered this magnificent wealth?

Peasants! Exhaled he. How dare you speak to me! Am I not aching to the mighty splendorous rays of the sun itself? Do you think you’re worthy to speak to such a glorious creature as myself? Go to my castle and throw all your gold in the well in front of it, and maybe you will find out.

Next to the crowd stood a farmer who gave his freshly pressed apple juice away for free. He mumbled:

What good would come of throwing our gold in a bottomless well.

The one dressed in gold, had heard his remark and barked in fury: What sort of advice could a poor farmer who gives his juice away for free have for these poor people? Surely none, but the sort that leads to more misery. Ha ha ha! What a loser, giving things away for free! The crowd laughed and got exited. We are all going to be rich, hurrah, hurrah! Follow the mighty one!

I’d rather be poor and true than rich and corrupted in my heart by greed. But no one listened to the poor farmer.

The people clapped and cheered, some begged to have the honor of carrying his sedan chair, for this Wizard was so magnificent he would not set one foot in the dirt of this hideous poor village.

A crowd celebrating around a pompous wizard, genrated by AI

Every once in a while, the wizard would call upon a friend of him — well, friend might not be the best word — say, a greedy acquaintance would be more accurate; and give him fine clothing and some gold. He said: go and tell everyone what happens to people who keep throwing their gold in my well. Tell them how you got rewarded with gold and fine clothing in ways you could’ve never imagined before.

And thus the people kept throwing gold into his well. And the wizard grew richer and richer. His greed grew their greed, and their greed grew his greed.

In the backyard of his castle, which was surrounded by high walls, so no one could see it from the outside, laid another well.

It was an oil well. That generously gave and gave and gave. The wizard kept selling it for more gold. And kept telling himself how his fortune was surely the fruit of his hard work. Of his discipline to keep extracting more oil and turning it into gold. Not once did it cross his mind to share his wealth beyond the few friends he used to get more gold, so everyone would know that he was the grandest man to have ever lived, for no one had more gold.

But one day, the well ran dry. Furious the wizard cursed the well. How dared it to stop giving him more oil! He, the greatest of all!! The well however was enchanted, and out of it came a poor farmer, with a glass of juice. Here poor man, have a glass of freshly pressed apple juice.

a peasant climbing out of a well, generated by AI

The wizard exploded in a furious rage. How dare you! Filthy peasant, to come into my garden. Surely you are the one who stole all my oil!

The peasant smiled and said: Surely, some will never learn without the wrath of God.

Out of the glass of juice rose a dazzling light and the peasant transformed into a breathtaking divine knight, with Armour set with the most precious stones and diamonds and glorious golden ornaments.

A breathtaking divine knight, generated by AI

I am the father. I am the mother. I am life. I am death. I am the great equalizer. Bow down for your creator, to ashes I will bring you.

I am the one who judges and whose judgment no one can escape.

So say we all. The second coming is here.

Furious thunder and fire sparked from his sword and all of the wizard and all his earthly belongings were reduced to ashes and nothingness.

On the place that once housed a pompous castle, a glorious orchard emerged.

a glorious eternal orchard, generated by AI

What can we learn from this story? Most of the wealth is given to us by mother earth / God or however you want to call the great giving force of life. For that we should be grateful. And not take anything for granted.

People who feel entitled for more generally are out of touch with God and or nature, and believe they are worth more than others and can treat others badly. They suffer from inflation. Often to compensate the lack of love in their hearth, the loss of the divine force that gets overshadowed by greed.

Sooner or later, they will be humbled by divine forces that are much bigger than them, and the price of their karma will be paid. The divine force lives in every (human) hearth. It’s our task to manifest it in the world. Fight injustice, defend justice.

