God’s creation

Uncertainty In God’s Creation

Bridging the Gap Between Faith and Understanding

Nabila Asif Life Lesson Writer
Story Saturday


Photo by Catherine Kay Greenup on Unsplash

It is mentioned once that a man went on a journey to a distant region. The man was looking carefully at everything the universe brought into his path, making observations, and then drawing conclusions.
He was looking carefully, from the blue sky above his head to the tiny ants under his feet.
And he was surprised to think, "Why did Allah Almighty leave no defect in anything in His creation?"
Since that person was a little weak in his faith and belief, he assumed that he would definitely find some fault in the creation of the universe.
The heat was intense, so the man got tired while walking, and for a while he thought of resting. He saw a thick, shady tree in the distance and thought, why not rest under it for a while?
He sat down to rest under the thick and cool shade of the tree, and he saw that there were many small, beautiful walnuts on top of the tree.
A watermelon vine was growing a short distance from the same walnut tree. On this small and weak vine grew countless green and yellow, large-sized watermelons.
The man was very surprised to see this, and he said, Yes, nature has created a big flaw here.
This small walnut fruit looks good on a weak vine, and huge watermelons should have grown on this big tree. A little clownishness appeared in this man’s nature.
This person had been thinking that the cold breeze made the man sleepy and he started to enjoy sleep by lying down under the shade of that tree.
Suddenly, with a gust of wind, a small walnut broke from the tree and fell on the man’s face, and he sat up screaming.
A walnut fell on the man’s eye, and his eye was injured, so he was screaming badly and in pain.
The man was regretting his thought and his observation and was thinking that if a huge watermelon had broken from that tree and fell on him instead of that walnut, that man would not have survived.
Now the same person was praising the greatness of Allah Almighty and saying, "O Allah, whatever You have made, You have made it right."

"There is no flaw in the creation of Allah." There is depth in this sentence. The meaning of this sentence is that Allah has created all the creatures in the best way, and there is no defect or disturbance in them.
This sentence makes one think that when Allah Ta’ala has created all these creatures in the best way, then we should also try to improve our actions and morals. Knowledge of Allah’s creation is an expression of His power, wisdom, and greatness. God create everything holistically, tailoring each component to its place and purpose. There is no flaw in God’s creation; this fact helps us to understand His greatness and power.



Nabila Asif Life Lesson Writer
Story Saturday

As a creative writer, I publish amazing stories. I am a seeker of knowledge, writer, reader and thinker.✍️