What was she wearing?

I’ll talk about this cruel world without hesitation

Saumya Pal
Story Saturday
5 min readJun 14, 2024


Content warning:

This story is not meant to offend anyone (especially men). It is a collection of many explicit cruel incidents displaying the dark side of society towards females who faced living hell (molestation) in their lives. If you feel disgusted talking about this, you may leave this story uncompleted.

I usually write fun stories but it’s not the same this time. I came across an awful video which deeply affected me. There’s something I’ve been turning over in my mind for days, something I haven’t felt comfortable sharing but I think it’s important to have an open conversation about.

It starts with common myths:

  • Women are raped because they don’t dress “properly”.
  • Only young and attractive people are molested.
  • Rape is about sexual desire.

I’m sure you’ve heard these statements before. Whether you agree or disagree with these myths, what I’m about to share will make you very uneasy and break your heart.

Blaming the victim mindset is the reason why the crimes against females are increasing everyday. Let’s dive deeper into these stories while breaking common myths we have in our society.

What was she wearing?

A baby’s diaper

A 11-month-baby was raped for two hours by a 36-year-old construction worker. She was in a hospital bed when she was kidnapped, taken to dense bushes, and sexually abused at this infant age.

After raping her for 2 hours, he panicked, fearing she had died when she lost consciousness. He dumped the baby in a marshy area, where she drowned and finally died.

She was a poor little baby. Did her dress or appearance matter to that evil predator?

A night dress

The old women in her 80’s and he was in his 20’s. She was alone at her house wearing a night dress. Initially he came to rob her , but later threatened her, strangled her badly, and sexually abused her for the next 3 nights. She now lives in a nursing house, still recovering from the trauma. This is what she said -

“It would have been better if he killed me.”

A sun dress

A 17-year-old student kidnapped by her 4 male friends. She was abducted from a street, tortured, raped and eventually murdered. She was repeatedly beaten on her injuries by blunt objects like iron rods in her private parts; forced to eat cockroaches and used as a punching bag for the boys’ fun. Not only she was raped multiple times by the 4 guys, but they invited other individuals as well. She was kept confined in a small space, often tied up naked.

This is the worst ever rape case in history, I don’t want to describe it more here. If you want to know more in depth click here when you’re done reading this article. (it’s very distressing to hear)

But… they were her friends..?

Army’s ACU and a gun

She was changing her clothes in the army camp when the captain entered her room forcefully and molested her. She was tortured and blackmailed by him for the sake of her job. People say getting into armed forces is a pleasure and very big achievement.

What help did the army title do for her when the evil was in her building itself?

Abaya and Hijab

Covered from head to toe with black clothes and a scarf at her face, was abused by her husband. Police didn’t take her complaints saying this is a family matter and it is supposed to be like this. Even her parents did not listen because they did not want to be embarrassed in the society. Feeling utterly helpless and hopeless, she miserably took her own life, leaving behind a note pleading for justice.

Did she deserve such mistreatment from her own family and husband?


South Africa has the highest rape rate in the world. It is very disappointing to hear that approximately one in four men surveyed admitted to committing rape.

The list of such happenings never stops…

A criminal does not care about victim’s age, what they wear and what their relation with the victim is. He just looks for an opportunity to ruin an innocent’s life.


To everyone reading this article, I want to shed light on the profound challenges women face after enduring such lifelong traumas. Hats off to those courageous women who have endured and continue to move forward in life. Healing from such deep mental trauma is no small feat!

A humble request to the readers:

I do not mean to disgrace the male community. Neither I am feminist fighting for female rights here. I agree, there are a lot of beautiful souls in this world who spread love, respect and happiness. This is exactly what women expect from true men. No one in this world deserves to be treated like hell.

Such monsters are rare in the huge crowd, but increasing everyday due to society’s tendency to blame the victim.These cases are very painful to hear.

Let us all take one step ahead, be a little more humble and spread kindness and love in our communities. Let’s make our sisters, mothers, teachers, and all ladies feel a little special and comfortable than always.

Whether they are infants, high school students, professionals, family members, or elderly grandmothers, everyone deserves to be treated with respect and affection. There should be no room for pain, screams, tears, and depression.

This message is the core reason behind writing this article.

If you find this article worth reading, help me spread this article to many readers by sharing, leaving some 👏 (20+) and humble comments sharing your opinions on this.❤️



Saumya Pal
Story Saturday

I'm on a mission to help you slay self-improvement. ️ I usually talk about productivity, freelancing and self- motivation.