Story Saturday

Why do I only see problems?

And what happened to the solutions?

Mil Hoornaert
Story Saturday
Published in
5 min readJun 1, 2024


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Someone in front of a ‘good side’ and a ‘bad side’
Someone in front of a ‘good side’ and a ‘bad side’ ~ Generated with AI by the author

When I arrive at school in the morning, the first thing I see is problems. Someone’s on his phone, so he must be addicted. A girl is scrolling on a site to buy new clothes, so she must be obsessed with looks. Another girl is putting on a bit more make-up, and someone else is scrolling on TikTok.

I act like I’m better than all of them and say they have problems and addictions. I pretend they’re stuck and have lost direction in life.

The trend continues after school. Seeing kids walk around vaping, others listening to music on their bikes, and another group partying a bit.

A boy biking through a party
A boy biking through a party ~ Generated with AI by the author

‘How are they so weak?’, I think. Can’t they live without nicotine? Can’t they live in silence? Do they need to drink their problems away?

Why don’t they realise that they’re only making things worse by seeking pleasure today? Don’t they know their f*cking things up for their future selves?



Mil Hoornaert
Story Saturday

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