“Why is everything so easy for others?”

The conversation that changed the course of her life.

Balqees Omer
Story Saturday
4 min readJun 8, 2024


Elara — image generated with AI by the author.

Elara was a bright, talented girl who had a lot of potential but did not have any self-trust. Nevertheless, she has no idea that the small conversation she will have with her best friend will change the course of her entire life.

One bright morning, the sunlight streamed through Elara’s window, illuminating the worn keys of her upright piano. Outside, a birdsong filled the air, a melody both effortless and carefree. Elara longed to create something beautiful, but her fingers hovered hesitantly over the keys. She was lost in her own mind, thinking constantly:

“Why is everything so easy for others?”

“Why do they get it right the first time and I can’t?”

“Why can’t I be good at this just like they are?”

Her thoughts were interrupted by a phone call from her best friend, Emma, who called her out for a walk. Elara hesitated. Emma, with her boundless energy and perpetual optimism, always seemed to excel in every class and win every competition. But with a sigh, she agreed, hoping a change of scenery might chase away the dark cloud hanging over her.

Emma and Elara walking through the park — image from Freepik.

As they walked through the park, Elara finally expressed her feelings. “Emma, why is everything so easy for you? It always seems that you have everything figured out on the first try, while I always fail.

Emma stopped and looked at her with a kind, understanding gaze. “Honestly, Elara? It’s not. Remember that state competition piece? It took months of practice and countless missed notes before I even got close.”

Elara looked at her friend in surprise. Emma, with her seemingly effortless talent, had struggled too.

Emma and Elara continuing their conversation — image from Freepik

As they sat on a bench, Emma said, “I don’t let setbacks stop me. I focus on getting better, not being perfect. Everyone has their own journey. Don’t let other people’s comparisons steal your joy of music.”

Her words struck a chord in Elara. Shame washed over her as she realized how much time she’d wasted comparing herself to others instead of focusing on her own progress. Maybe those missed notes weren’t failures, but stepping stones.

When they returned home, Elara felt a renewed sense of determination. She sat at her piano, took a deep breath, and started practicing again. This time, she didn’t think about how quickly her peers learned or how flawless their performances were.

Elara playing the piano — image from freepik

She focused on the feeling the music evoked — the way her fingers danced across the keys. The world around her faded away as she poured her emotions into the melody.

Days turned into weeks, filled with diligent practice. Mistakes were made, notes stumbled upon, and then played with increasing confidence. Slowly, Elara started to see progress. Her scales became smoother, and her chords became richer. The joy of creating music replaced the persistent self-doubt.

The night of the recital arrived, A familiar nervousness fluttered in Elara’s stomach, but this time it was laced with excitement. As she sat down at the piano, she remembered Emma’s words. This wasn’t about winning or being the best. This was about her journey, her passion, and the story her music told.

The recital night — image from Pinterest.

She took a deep breath and began to play. The melody flowed from her fingertips, filled with emotion and a newfound confidence. The judges were impressed by her unique interpretation and the raw passion in her performance. Elara didn’t win first place, but as the applause washed over her, a different kind of warmth filled her chest. This was a victory against her own self-doubt, a testament to her perseverance.

This time, the walk home was quieter, settling into a comfortable silence between Elara and Emma. As they reached Elara’s doorstep, she stopped, a newfound resolve in her eyes. A long shadow was cast across the sidewalk as the sun set, mirroring the path Elara had walked these past few weeks. While the journey hadn’t been easy, each missed note and fumbled chord was a step forward toward self-discovery.

“Thanks, Emma,” Elara said, a genuine smile gracing her lips. “For everything.” Emma squeezed her hand. “Anytime,” she replied, her eyes twinkling.

Elara took a deep breath, the cool evening air filling her lungs with a sense of possibility. She understood that everyone has their own path and that her journey, with all its struggles and triumphs, was uniquely hers to embrace. She didn’t need to be the best; she just needed to keep playing her own song. With a newfound lightness in her step, Elara unlocked the door, ready to face the piano and continue her unique musical journey.



Balqees Omer
Story Saturday

Hello, beautiful soul. I open this account to share with you my thoughts, readings and my humble experience in this life. Let’s grow together